Give me a good cup of tea, a slice of warm chocolate cake, two cozy recliners in front of a fireplace on a cool evening, and another person who likes to sew. Oh, what I wouldn’t give to have a sewing buddy in person. If only there was someone who would sit with me for hours and talk about machines, fabric, scissors, pattern alterations, and all things sewing.

But since I don’t have one in person (yet), I decided to make myself a cup of tea, warm up a few shortbread cookies (no chocolate cake in the house), and cozy up in my loungewear and recliner on this beautiful Saturday, and introduce you to an online sewing buddy.

This is how I would host my sewing buddy. Tea, cake, pajamas and good conversation

This is a new feature I’m adding to my Blog. Once a month (or every other month), I plan to highlight one of my Private Email Community Members. I’m so excited about this because it’s something I’ve wanted to do for a while. The idea is to share the sewing journey of a member, through story and photos.

If you love meeting new sewists and hearing about their sewing journeys, then go grab yourself a cup of coffee, tea, or whatever you like to drink. Don’t forget to bring a snack too. Make yourself cozy and come get acquainted with our sew sister, Darcey.


August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn

Darcey is a 46 year old wife and mother of four children, ranging in age from 5 – 19 years old. She has been sewing (officially) since January, 2020. The sewing machine she uses is from the Singer Millennium Series. She says the Singer Sewing Machine company was headquartered and had a large factory in her hometown of Bridgeport, Connecticut for many years. While growing up, everyone she knew had a Singer sewing machine. Therefore, she had no idea other brands existed!

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn

Darcey took her first sewing class in 6th grade home economics in 1985.  However, both her mother and maternal grandmother are sewists. Her mother made school clothes for Darcey and her sister. She also made them dance recital and Halloween costumes.  Her grandmother sewed drapery and home decor accents for many years and made the nursery decorations for Darcey’s oldest son’s nursery when he was born.  She also sewed her junior prom dress!

In 1999, Darcey purchased her machine and took a sewing class. She says the class was disappointing for a variety of reasons and she didn’t sew at all afterwards. Darcey admits that she is officially learning to sew now, as an adult. She has made some small quilts and pillowcase dresses for her girls over the years but never with a true intention to learn the art of sewing.  In February of 2020, she enrolled in a sewing class at a local store. Shortly after the first class (where she made yet another pillow), they were all asked to isolate due to Covid-19. It was then that she discovered Anita By Design and the Learn to Sew Series.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
I spy with my little eye, an Anita by Design Sewing Video on the TV in the background.

The first item Darcey ever made in her 6th grade home economics class was a pillow.  It was made out of turquoise and white squares and had a ruffle around the edges. 

The first item she made from the Learn To Sew Series with Anita by Design was the circle skirt in Lesson #1.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Darcey wearing her circle skirt from Project #1 of the Beginners Sewing Course

Darcey shared with me that she made a huge error and put the yoke on upside down on the circle skirt.  She decided that fixing the mistake would require too much work, so she started to make a second circle skirt. Darcey says there was always a little nagging feeling that she needed to go back and finish the skirt, so that’s what she did. Taking nearly the entire skirt apart, including removing the zipper, she “fixed” it. Darcey wears her skirt proudly today! Talk about patience and perseverance. The lessons learned through mistakes are priceless. I always say that mistakes are our best teachers.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Darcey’s circle skirt with yoke attached upside down.
August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Removing the stitches and starting over. The seam ripper is a sewist’s best friend.

Darcey believes that she began sewing because it was an assignment from God! At the end of 2019, she was given a dream journal as a gift, and in the journal she had to name one thing that brought her joy. She couldn’t think of a single thing that brought her joy that did not involve her husband or children. That realization almost brought her to tears.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
A fine job indeed. I love the way she styled the circle skirt.

While visiting family in Canada for the New Year, a family member asked, “Darcey, are you still sewing?” She had literally forgotten that she’d ever sewn anything in her life! She felt a sudden inspiration to sew again and knew it was Divine! Her husband had given her money for the holidays that she had just tucked away. She decided that when she got back home she’d use that money to get her machine serviced and find sewing lessons.

Sewing these past 6 months has been a tremendous outlet for Darcey, almost like therapy, as she manages some pretty hard life changes due to Covid-19 and being quarantined. I can certainly understand, Darcey. Sewing has been therapeutic for so many of us in the sewing community during difficult life circumstances.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Sewing is very therapeutic.

Darcey’s biggest sewing challenge is not having a live person in front of her to ask questions, in particular, sizing questions since she’s 6’ tall. Everything she sews needs to be lengthened.

When I look at Darcey’s photos, I see someone who’s calm, peaceful and reserved. I asked her to describe her personal style and she responded with, “Conservative, simple and comfortable”. Yes, her personal style definitely comes through in the photos. I would love to have Darcey as my in-person sewing buddy.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Darcey wearing the Maxi Skirt from Project #2 of the Beginners Sewing Course

Darcey lives in New England where it’s officially summer, so when she’s not sewing, she enjoys being outside with her kids, their fur baby, “Ruby”, and Saturday morning coffee runs with her husband, Ray. Her family recently did a camping staycation 20 minutes from their home that she says was lots of fun.

Darcey's Family
Darcey with her family

Darcey was introduced to Anita by Design through a longtime friend and fellow sewist on Instagram, @mikkimadedesigns, who mentioned the YouTube channel. She checked it out and from the first visit knew it was the place for her to learn how to sew.

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Darcey wearing the pencil/straight skirt from Project #3 of the Beginners Sewing Course

She says she supports Anita By Design because the Learn to Sew tutorials are simple and easy to follow.  Most importantly they are actually teaching her to sew. She says Anita is a natural teacher, has a pleasant voice and keeps things lighthearted.  She says it’s like learning to sew from a longtime friend. Darcey also appreciates that when viewers ask questions in the comments, Anita responds and offers support. She says it’s like having your own personal cheerleader helping you through your sewing projects!

August Spotlight Member/ Darcey Lynn
Darcey wearing her t-shirt from Project #4 in the Beginners Sewing Course

Here are a couple of fun facts about Darcey. If she had to abandon earth and could only take one item of clothing, she said she would bring her sneakers because she hates for her feet to be uncomfortable and her sneakers are the best. Hahaha! High five on that one, Darcey. Also, the one thing she can’t live without is her Bible. Yes! A woman after my own heart.

Another view of Darcey's t-shirt
Darcey wearing her t-shirt from Project #4 in the Beginners Sewing Course

If you are new to sewing, Darcey would like to close this post by giving you a bit of advice. She says, “First, start with Anita’s videos (I did NOT bribe her to say that. I promise.). Next, take your time and be patient. Also, allow yourself to make mistakes. Like anything new, it takes time to master the skills. And most importantly, have fun!” I agree with your words of wisdom, Darcey.

Darcey's t-shirt without sleeves
Darcey wearing her t-shirt from Project #4 without sleeves. She’s doing so well.

If you are on Instagram and want to follow Darcey’s sewing journey, you will find her @thatssewdarcey.

Thank you so much, Darcey, for being my first Spotlight Member. I appreciate your support and feel blessed to have you in my community. I’m looking forward to your next project and will continue to follow your sewing journey.

Please give Darcey a SHOUT OUT in the comments section below. She is doing a great job and I would love for us to celebrate her.

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember: When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES!

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If you have not yet learned to sew, I suggest you check out my Beginner's Sewing Course. The Beginner's Course will walk you through the basics of garment construction. Click the photo below to check out the Beginner's Sewing Course Video Series.

This Post Has 362 Comments

  1. Carol Oladele

    Hi Darcey,

    What an amazing and inspiring journey! I love all pieces you’ve made so far and can’t worst to see your future projects. I really enjoyed reading this spotlight. Thank you for sharing! I’ve never sewed, but after reading this, I feel like I can do it. 🙂


    Hi Darcy, you are encouraging me to actually sew the Projects by Anita. I have watched all the beginner’s Projects in July, just last month, but have not tried any…just being lazy. But you look really nice in the clothes you made. Anita is really teaching “old dogs” new tricks with open minds (that’s me).

    Anita, thanks for your dummy proof teaching. I am about to get started. Hopefully I can still purchase the patterns that were use in all six projects.

  3. JoAnne Mimms-Bolden

    I just read your story, Darcy — congratulations for listening and receiving! And the beauty that resulted. Your handiwork for a beginner is oustanding. Rock on girl. Chuckle. One of the things you will begin to notice is the difference between custom-made and store bought garments on yourself and others, and you will find your thoughts imagining how to modify a pattern to add this or that embellishment, etc. Being able to create is a blessing and when discovered should be nurtured as you are doing. Joy follows!!

    1. JoAnne Mimms-Bolden

      Pls forgive me…Darcey. Tablet typo!!

  4. Darcey

    Yeah! Than you Darlene.
    Thank you for reading my story.

  5. Darcey

    Yes Gladys keep going!!!

  6. Darcey

    Hi Sheryl –
    That makes me feel good! So glad that I am not the only one who has had to start over. I am sure that won’t be my last time with a do-over.

  7. Amy Bailey-Sheets

    Hi Darcey!
    I really enjoyed this post. You have made some beautiful garments. I hope that you have continued writing in your dream journal and please know that you are an inspiration to others.

    1. Darcey

      Thank you! and yes, I am still writing in my dream journal!

  8. Linda Dembitsky

    Hi Darcy!

    Thank you for sharing your projects with everyone. I love the story about you sewing the yoke upside down on your skirt- I used to just quit and go to something else when things like that happened on a sewing project, but now I take a deep breath and rip it out ?. It’s the best way to get better and to acquire more patience! So good for you! All of your outfits look good, really love that red t shirt and the pencil skirt too. Take care ?

    1. Darcey

      Thank you so much Linda!
      The red shirt is one of my favorite tops also!
      It was so easy and I followed Anita’s technique to get it to be the right size also!
      I am so glad that I went back and fixed my skirt. after that I feel like I can sew anything!

  9. Sherry Callaway

    I loved reading about Darcy’s story. Want an inspiration. I love the idea of having a spotlight like this. Keep up the good work Darcy

    1. Darcey

      Thank you Sherry for your encouragement!

  10. Anita Morris

    Oh Gladys! I’m so glad you found inspiration through Darcey’s story. Thank you for reading and celebrating Darcey today.


    Thanks for sharing Darcy’s sewing story. I love hearing about how others started sewing later in life like me. You are both an inspiration.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Crystal, for celebrating Darcey with us.

    2. Darcey

      Crystal – It is never too late to try something new. I want to be a lifelong learner!

  12. Sandra Sutton

    I am late but I like what I see and read. Great outfits Darcy. Enjoy your gift of sewing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Sandra! Never late. Thank you so much for coming over to celebrate Darcey.

      1. Darcey

        Yes! Sandra you are right on time! Thank you for the compliment on my outfits Sandra!

  13. audrey

    Hi Darcy talk about perseverance, you did a fine job. Keep up the good work. Be blessed.

    1. Anita Morris

      Isn’t she amazing, Audrey? Thank you for celebrating our sister today.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Audrey!

  14. Linda

    Hi Darcy, Your workmanship and fit looks really nice. Keep up the good work.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating Darcey with us today. I agree that her fit is great.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Linda! I am learning from the best! I love that Anita has helped me learn how to adjust patterns to fit my correct size.

  15. Nina

    What a great story! I just love that Darcey went back and fixed that upside-down yoke. We have all made errors like that and each is a learning experience. Patience is important in sewing and all things.

    1. Anita Morris

      You are so right, Nina! Patience really does take us far in learning our craft. Thank you for celebrating Darcey with us.

    2. Darcey

      Yes Nina –
      Patience and persistence helped me with the circle skirt.

  16. Cindee

    Thank you Darcey for you sharing your sewing journey with us….Great job on all your garments.
    Anita, you and Darcey are a true inspiration.
    Be Blessed!

    1. Deanna

      Hi ,Anita you are indeed an inspiration , Your tutorials have been a great help to me . I would like to start sewing but in my country they do not sell those patterns to work with can I still succeed without the patterns?

      1. Anita Morris

        Hi Deanna! Thank you so much. I’m glad to hear that you enjoy the videos. Oh yes, you can absolutely succeed without using the patterns. You can learn to draft your own patterns and use the same techniques I share in the videos to learn how to sew.

    2. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey with us today, Cindee. you be blessed too, sister.

    3. Darcey

      Cindee – I am so glad that I can be an inspiration! Thank you!

  17. Cindy

    Hi Darcy! Great to meet you! I too am a beginner sewer at the age of 49 and 5’10” myself! Great to have a new friend. Love that you’re doing this Anita. Blessed to have you both in my life!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Cindy! I’m so glad you like the new feature. I love that we’re can connect with each other through our love of sewing. Thank you for celebrating Darcey with us today.

    2. Darcey

      Yeah Cindy! So great to “meet” you virtually! Being tall is great and even better when we can make out clothes fit us exactly as we would like.

  18. Sheri Willingham

    Thank you Anita and Darcy for sharing this inspiring story. God Bless.

    1. Darcey

      You are welcome Sheri!

  19. Nancy Oleksy

    Very inspiring story. Sorry a little late to reading this. Been a bit crazy here. I am very impressed with Darcey Lynn’s work. Keep it up you are doing amazing. Love this new idea Anita.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Nancy! I’m so glad you love the new feature. Thank you so much for coming over to celebrate Darcey with us.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Nancy! and you are not late!
      Thank you for the encouragement!

  20. Jennifer Bergeron

    “She couldn’t think of a single thing that brought her joy that did not involve her husband or children. That realization almost brought her to tears.” This is me. And while I understand that my husband and children are important and a priority….I’m also learning that I have to find the outlets that bring me joy and are the place where I can serve. It was rather eery reading about a life that sounds so very similar to my own. Darcy, thank you for opening up….Anita, thank you for giving her the outlet to be recognized. This is encouraging and especially in the world today, we can all use more of that!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Jennifer, I’m so glad you got to meet Darcey and hear her story. Wow! Thank you so very much for coming over today. I’m glad to hear that you like the new feature. Yes, I agree, we especially need encouragement in this current climate.

    2. Darcey Cobbs-Lomax

      Jennifer –
      Thank you for sharing. It is so easy to get stuck in doing things on auto-pilot and that is how I felt! Sewing has given me a new joy and an outlet that is something that I can do for me but is also a blessing to my family but with garments but also a more joyful me. This was a big lesson for me.

  21. Sue Barton

    Thanks for your spotlight on Darcy. You’re so right – Darcy sounds like a great friend to have and be inspired by! We all need teachers, no matter how old we are. I’m 76, and my clothes are looser and longer than those you show, but I like your interpretations because they inspire me to do more.
    During this difficult time, friends are like stars, they give us delight and expand our horizons. God bless you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Sue! Thank you so much for stopping by and celebrating Darcey with us. Yes, we all need teachers because we’re all still learning, no matter our age. I love that you receive inspiration to do more in your own style. Love it!

    2. Darcey

      your comments are a blessing to me also! I am so glad that I can be a new “friend” to so many! Be well and God bless y you also!

  22. Gwendolyn Styles

    Hi Darcey! I enjoyed getting know you! Such a wonderful woman!

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, she is, Gwen! Thank you for celebrating our sew sister.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Gwendolyn!

  23. Ntsiki

    Thank you Darcey for your inspiring story.
    Anita is indeed a good teacher, she is patient and explains clearly. I am also new in sewing, I started lae 2016, it has been a love affair that is growing day by day.

    1. Darcey

      I love reading that you are enjoying sewing. It sounds like as much as I am! Thank you!


    Peace! I truly enjoyed the piece on Darcy! She is an amazing human being! She adds value no matter the circle she’s involved with! Peace Katurah

    1. Anita Morris

      I totally agree, Katurah! Thank you for celebrating her with us.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Katurah for your lovely comments and for reading my story! 🙂

  25. Sharon Alick

    Welcome Darcey. Wonderful initiative Anita.

    1. Darcey

      Thank you Sharon for the welcome and for reading my story!

  26. Kimberly Tenn Ford

    Darcy, I’m so glad that you have found some peaceful way to mourn your dad and grandmother. When I sewed as a young person I found it very relaxing. My mother taught home economics and when I took the class I knew that she would help me. No she made me put in a zipper 8 times until I got it right. Enjoy my friend.

    1. Anita Morris

      Kimberly, thank you so much for coming over to celebrate Darcey with us.

    2. Darcey

      Thanks Kim for reading my story and for your kind words and support through everything!

  27. Yolanda Mardest

    Hello Darcy pleased to meet you great job on all your makes.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yolanda, thank you for celebrating Darcey.

    2. Dayana Jeanty

      Ohh Anita this new feature is amazing, what a great initiative!! Nice meeting Darcey.

      1. Anita Morris

        Thank you so much Dayana! I’m so glad to know you like the new feature.

    3. Darcey

      Thank you Yolanda!

  28. Shannon Laster

    Wow Darcy! I soooo enjoyed reading about your journey. Your sewing skills are
    very impressive as well as encouraging. I will definitely be following you on IG, so look for “Millionbucksmile”. I too am very new to sewing and I’d love to be virtually surrounded by people like you and Anita. Your Godly spirit won me over first then sewing comes next. Keep up the great work and be blessed, Darcy. ❤

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Shannon, thank you so much for joining us to celebrate Darcey.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Shannon! And thank you for following me on IG! I will follow your sewing journey as well!

  29. Nancy

    Nice to meet you Darcy & congratulations on persevering. I find sewing to be a wonderful activity that I can do when I want/need alone time.
    What a great, fun new feature on your blog Anita.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much, Nancy, for celebrating Darcey today. I’m glad to hear that you like the new Blog feature.

    2. Darcey

      Nancy –
      Thank you for reading my story!

  30. Janet Toot

    I enjoyed meeting you and your family, Darcey. The items you’ve sewn look professional! You seem to have a knack for choosing the right color, fabric and jewelry for your clothing! I hope you continue to sew and enjoy the craft! God Bless.

    1. Anita Morris

      I agree, Janet! Darcey is a natural. Thank you for celebrating her with us.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Janet –
      Thank you for your kind words! I have done mostly solid colors for now but am starting to branch into some floral patterns as well.
      I will definitely be continuing to sew and I am loving it!

  31. Shirley

    It’s nice to meet you Darcy! Thank you for sharing your story!

    Peace and Blessings

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Shirley, for celebrating Darcey with us.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Shirley-
      Thank you for reading my story.

  32. Ellen Dempsey

    Darcy you are an inspiration to me I also took sewing in home economics in 1985 .at the age of 51 I started taking lessons three years now.then I found Anita on you tube .anita I want to go to church with you then come home to your place and sew sew sew the day away lol who knows maybe some day ..I live in New Jersey .i would love to have a sewing buddy .god bless both of you ladies ..

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, Ellen, exactly! I want to hang out with Darcey too. That would be so awesome if we get to meet our sew sisters in person one day. Thank you for celebrating her today.

    2. Darcey

      Ellen –
      Thank you for reading my story! You never know how our paths may cross one day! Happy sewing!

  33. Felecia Abdullah

    This is a great feature! Very well done!

    1. Darcey

      Thank you so much Felicia!

  34. Ramona Rex

    Darcy’s sewing journey to date is so inspiring! Thanks for sharing, Anita. Love the idea about hearing from your fellow sewists.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, she’s very inspiring. Thank you for celebrating her with us, Ramona.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Ramona and I am looking forward to the next meeting the nest sewist also!

  35. JeriLynn

    I truly enjoyed reading about Darcy and your new blog feature. I also love the fact that your sewing site is christian based and full of biblical nuggets. Thank you for your wonderful sewing site and introducing us to Darcy such an inspiration too all I’m sure. Darcy outfits are a testament to your sewing instruction and guidance, well done Darcy!
    Blessings to you Anita on this beautiful Lords Day!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Jerilyn! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey with us today. I’m thrilled to hear that you like the Blog and new feature. Blessings to you also, my sister.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Jerilynn for reading my story. It is amazing how God knits us together and we just never know how our paths will cross and connect in life! Anita is THE BEST!

  36. Joi

    Go Darcey!!! Thanks for sharing your story. May God continue to bless you and flourish you in your sewing journey.

    1. Anita Morris

      Joi, thank you for joining in to celebrate our beautiful Darcey today! Have a lovely day!

  37. Constance Elliott

    I love the new blog feature, and I am inspired by Darcey. I am a mom of four also, and I have picked up and put down sewing since high school Home Economics as well. This past January, I purchased a sewing machine for my birthday and I’m so happy to read about Darcey’s struggles and beautiful triumphs. Thank you Anita, and thank you Darcey.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Constance, I’m so glad you were able to meet Darcey. She has inspired many of us and I love that she gives hope to beginners about overcoming mistakes. Congratulations on purchasing your new machine. Have fun learning to sew.

    2. Darcey

      Constance I am so happy to read that you are sewing again this year! I am also happy to meet a fellow mom of 4! 🙂
      Keep sewing!

  38. Geri Laubscher

    Love your new feature and Darcy did a great job. Keep learning, sewing is a blessing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Geri! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey with us today. Yes, I join you in those words of encouragement. Keep learning and sewing.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Geri!

  39. Marie

    Very interesting and timely. Thanks to both of you: Anita for the concept and Darcey for sharing so freely.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Marie, for celebrating our sew sister.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Marie for reading my story and for your kind words.

  40. Dara

    This is “SEW BEAUTIFUL”! Thank you for this new feature Anita. Thank you Darcey for your story and your Beautiful garments. God Bless Both of you and I look forward to more! Happy Sewing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Dara! I’m so happy to hear that you like the new feature. Thank you for celebrating our sew sister, Darcey, today. I’m so very proud of her!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Dara! and yes! Thank you Anita for starting this blog series!

  41. Arletha

    Hi Anita! This is a very nice new feature. I enjoyed reading Darcey’s story and seeing her wonderful projects. Thanks!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Arletha, for joining in to celebrate Darcey today. I’m glad to hear that yo like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Arletha!
      Thank you for reading my story!

  42. Lyn

    First, Anita I love the new addition to your blog! Darcey congrats on your look and sewing skills. The for of your garments is so nice. I am getting back into sewing after many years so this is inspiring.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay, Lyn! I’m so glad you love the new feature. Thank you for celebrating our beautiful Darcey today. My heart is so happy to hear that she has inspired you.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Lyn!
      I have enjoyed sewing the garments so much and learning new sewing skills! Anita has been a true inspiration and amazing teacher!

  43. Ramona Thomas

    Nice to meet you Darcey. Good job!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating Darcey today.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Ramona!

  44. Lisa

    Thumbs up to Darcy! Great job. I truly enjoyed reading about Darcy’s triumph, achievement and successful outcome. I was more inspired with her determination and her patience at not giving up and following her mind to finish the project she started. And Anita, this is an awesome idea you have started. I am looking forward to more reading on the inspirational blessing from others that enjoy sewing just as much as I do.

    Take care and Happy Sewing

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooohhhm, Lisa! Thank you so much for celebrating our sew sister, Darcey, today. Oh my goodness, I was so inspired by her will to complete what she started. I’m just thrilled to know that you like the idea of the new Blog feature.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Lisa –
      I am so glad that my story was inspiring! I am just as much inspired by reading the comments!

  45. Stefanie

    Mrs. Anita this is a lovely new feature. That’s so thoughtful of you to want to highlight members. I enjoyed reading about Darcey. I definitely agree with her when she says you are a natural teacher. Blessings to you Mrs Anita and Mrs Darcey

    1. Anita Morris

      Stefanie, thank you so much for celebrating Darcey today. I’m really glad to hear that you like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Stephanie!

  46. Helen

    I love the feature. What a pleasure meeting Darcey!

    1. Anita Morris

      Helen!!!!! What a joy to see you over here. Thank you so much for stopping by to celebrate Darcey today. You’ve made my heart smile sister.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Helen!

  47. Carolyn Koster

    Thank you for sharing in Darcy’s journey. It served as a reminder for me to make time for activities that inspire and bring me joy.
    Thank you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome, Carolyn! I’m so glad to hear that Darcey was able to inspire you today. Thank you for celebrating her with me.

    2. Darcey

      Carolyn –
      Yes! Find something – anything that will bring you joy!

  48. Dasha

    Anita! Thank you so much for this new blog idea! I love it! I agree with Darcey, that sewing is a gift from God! And when someone asks me for advice on how to start sewing, I always say “You should watch Anita’s tutorials” ?? I think Darcey did a wonderful job with her projects and she looks amazing! ??? I was not sewing for more than a month and now you both inspired me and I realized that I need to get back to my sewing machine. By the way, I have Singer too, because I am from Russia and it was the only brand over there when I was a child, ha-ha!
    This blog post made my day!!! ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Dasha! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey. I’m so glad to hear that you’re inspired to get back to the sewing machine. Very happy you enjoyed the post.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Dasha! I am so glad that this made your day!!! I am equally as happy to hear that you sew with a Singer machine. I do not meet that many people that sew with Singer sewing machine these days! Keep Sewing!!!

  49. Peggy Johnson

    I love it Anita. You did an awesome job. Congratulations Darcy. It’s so nice to meet you. God bless.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much Peggy! God bless you too.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Peggy for reading my story! Gold Bless you also!

  50. Susan

    Welcome Darcy your sewing is amazing. I love the new feature. It enables me to “visit” others that love the passion of learning to sew. Anita you are such a good person. ❤️

    1. Anita Morris

      Susan, thank you so much for celebrating our sew sister. I just love hearing from others about sewing too.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Susan for visiting with me and reading my story!

  51. Troy Jennene Gibbs

    This is a great transition to the Next level in your sewing community. The experience of sewing with others, rather in person or virtual is invaluable. I have a sewing group of folks that get together, pre-covid-19, that help boost one another, lift each other up & offer support that keeps us motivated & moving toward our peaceful creative place. This added part of your blogging will help “connect’ all of us when we need to have a friend and hear about their journey in sewing and making time for their creative side. Cause we all know we love to share and hear each others progress, makes, seam ripping moments, and challenges in sewing as in life. Great idea

    1. Anita Morris

      Troy, thank you so much for this beautiful feedback. I am beyond grateful to use this platform to celebrate our sew sisters and share their stories.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Troy –
      Yes, this feature is a great way to stay connected during Covid-19 and boosting one another up is so important. I am looking forward to the next addition to this series!

  52. Angie

    This is a wonderful new feature! Seeing and hearing about other people’s journeys in sewing gives me inspiration to keep on learning and trying. Great job Darcy! Thank you Anita for continuing to inspire, encourage, and help us all, along the way.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Angie, for celebrating our sew sister! Yes, I’m inspired by the journey’s of other sewists too.

    2. Darcey

      Than you so much Angie!

  53. Shawna

    I loved reading your story, Darcey! Chuckled at times because I remember all of it. So glad to have you as my friend. Your pieces are absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to see more of what you’ll make. Thank you for turning me on to Anita by Design too! I’m hoping to make more time to sew.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Shawna! It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for coming over to celebrate Darcey with us. I’m wishing you the best as you make time to sew.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Shawna for coming over to read my story and thanks also for living through all of this with me including the upside down skirt yoke. And yes! let’s get you sewing more my friend!

  54. Doris mays

    This was a wonderful story. Darcey, you do great work. All the photos here beautiful. Your choice of colors are on point. So inspirational.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Doris, thank you so much for celebrating Darcey with me. I agree that she’s very inspirational.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Doris –
      I am so glad that you were inspired! 🙂

  55. Lynette R Patrice

    Hi Anita and Miss Darcy~ Yes, I love the new feature!! It was nice to see Darcy and how far she has come along. I totally can relate to Darcy, because as I mentioned to you before, I followed you the year I had my knee replacement surgery (Februaruy 2016),I couldn’t sew, but watched every video and brought every pattern (before I knew about “waiting for sales ?), so that I could be ready. Darcy is very encouraging and I love her humility and look forward to following her journey.

    This is gonna be a nice feature. Great job, keep up the good work sis!

    1. Anita Morris

      My beautiful Lynette! Yes, you have been with me from the beginning. I remember very well about your knee replacement. Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me today and being part of my Private Email Community for so long. I really appreciate you.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Lynette –
      I am also looking forward to this feature and how it develops and unfolds! Thanks for reading my story!

  56. lynne

    Love the new feature.Very inspirational.

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome Lynne! I’m so glad to hear you like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Lynne!

  57. Karolyn Tibbits

    I love this new feature. Congratulations to Darcey for her perseverance c sewing and selecting a great teacher. You both are very inspiring. I love sewing and your blog Anita. I also admire your strong faith. God continue to bless you.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Karolyn! Thank you for celebrating our sew sister with me today. Thank you for supporting my blog and I’m so happy to hear that you love the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Karolyn –
      Thank you for reading my story and for following Anita. She is just the best instructor and I love her blog!

  58. Ann Elsbeth

    Celebrating Darcey! Thank you, Darcey, for your kindness and generosity in sharing your sewing adventures! I’m cheering for you, and I know that sewing brings so much to our lives! And thank you Anita for this new feature of your blog. It truly is wonderful to ‘meet’ a fellow sewist! And even though some of us are beginners and some of us have sewn for decades, we all have just as much to learn. And we all make mistakes! Just today I sewed the shoulder seams in a boxy jacket only to see that I had sewed them on with the necklines at the sides. Oops! But just pour some hot coffee and relax while you rip out and re-sew! Looking forward to meeting the next guest!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Ann, you just put a huge smile on my heart! Thank you for celebrating our beautiful Darcey! Yes, I love that we’re all still learning at every sewing level. Okay, I just cracked up laughing at your sleeve mistake. Hahaha! Yep! We’ve all made mistakes.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Ann! Thank you for your comments! I love you attitude and cheering for me! I appreciate the virtual support! 🙂

  59. Teresa

    Great new feature & enjoyed reading about Darcey and her sewing journey. I’m with you Anita – I have wished many times over the years that I had a “sewing buddy” in real life – but since that’s not happening right now the internet & social media is a good substitute!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Teresa! Thank you for celebrating Darcey. Yep! Internet and social media will have to do for now. There are so many amazing sewists in the sewing community.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Teresa –
      Yes, virtual sewing buddies are the way for now. Thank you for reading my story!

  60. Jenn

    Way to go, Darcey! Your tailoring is so clean and elegant. The sky’s the limit!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating Darcey today, Jenn!

    2. Darcey

      Hi Jenn –
      Yes, I love that I am learning the proper fit for clothes thanks to Anita!

  61. Marie

    Welcome, Darcy, to the sewing community. I joined Instagram to be a part of the sewing community and it’s been wonderful. I stand 6 foot 3 inches tall and learned to sew in high school to create the styles I couldn’t find in most stores for woman of my stature. I Also love finding woman of color and connecting with them all over the world on this platform.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Marie! Thank you for celebrating our beautiful Darcey today.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Marie!
      There is noting like having clothes that fit perfectly! I will see if I can locate you also on IG! 🙂

  62. Anita Morris

    Awesome, Darlene! Thank you for celebrating our sew sister.

  63. Zina Henry

    Awesome new feature! I love the spotlight! And Darcey’s looks are beautiful. Thank you Anita for sharing with us.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for coming over to celebrate Darcey with me, Zina! I’m so glad you like the new feature.

      1. Laura

        Hi Anita! Hi Darcy! I’m loving this new feature! Beautiful job on the skirts and tops!!

        I too so wish I had some “real life” sewing friends. A comfy recliner, a fireplace and a slice of chocolate cake sounds like Heaven to me! I love to bake, so I would be happy to bring the cake! Lol.

        Looking forward to more member spotlights!

        1. Anita Morris

          Oh Laura! You just made me smile saying you would bring the cake. I love to bake too!!! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey with me today! And I’m happy to hear that you like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Zina!

  64. Tracy Griffin

    What a wonderful way to celebrate a sweet new sewing friend! Darcey…great job! Every one in my house “knew” Anita because they heard me watching her circle skirt video about 6000 times. Way to persevere with that skirt! Wishing you many joyful sewing days ahead!

    Anita…love the new spotlight series ?

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Tracy! Thank you so much for celebrating our sew sister. I laughed at your “6000 times” circle skirt video comment. Too funny! I’m glad you like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Tracy!
      I can relate to you watching the video 6000 times also LOL! Thank you for reading my story!

  65. Sharon Parker

    Your garments are beautiful. You did an awesome job. This new feature on the blog is great.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Sharon, for celebrating our sew sister today. I’m glad you like the new feature.

  66. Pat Claiborne

    Wow,I love your story I think it’s an awesome
    I love your story<3

    1. Anita Morris

      I love her story too. Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Pat!

  67. Sabrina McClinton

    Wonderful idea! It’s very uplifting to see other people’s progress. I believe Darcy is very talented. I’m still on project #1, LOL. I agree with her about you being a wonderful teacher, Anita.
    May the Lord continue blessing you.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Sabrina! I think Darcey is very talented too. I’m so happy to have you following the Beginners Course. God bless you too, Sabrina.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Sabrina –
      Keep sewing! The circle skirt teaches you so many thing so that the next projects are easy to follow!

  68. Angela

    Loving the member spotlight, Anita! Wonderful idea!
    Darcy, so glad that you have found a happy place with sewing. Your makes are beautifully sewn and look fabulous on you. Hope you keep on finding joy in your sewing journey!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey today. My heart is happy to hear you like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Angela –
      Thank you for reading my story and for kind words!

  69. Ros Reed

    Hi Anita, wow, you have step up your sewing admiration and added this wonderful platform to share & help others.

    Also, I have a friend who’s brother was a seamstress; however, he passed. So it has taken her some time to go through his sewing items. Upon going through the many things, she found a Vintage Singer Sewing machine. She does sew but will keep the machine as a momentum. She gave me Euro Fast & Easy machine & a singer’s serger, along with some other items (thread, tape, etc). I am going to direct her to your channel as I do with others. I appreciate you Anita. ?✂️✂️✂️????

    Hi Darcey, welcome!!!! Continue to keep up the beautiful job that you are doing. You are an inspiration and your projects have be executed very well.

    1. Anita Morris

      Wow Ros! What treasures you have received. Congratulations! Thank you so much for celebrating our sew sister, Darcey, today.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Ros –
      That is wonderful to have those items and Yeah for the Singer brand! Thank you for the encouragement!

  70. Cheryl Sale

    thank you for sharing your story Darcey.
    Your outfits are beautiful and classy.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Cheryl, for celebrating Darcey today!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Cheryl!

  71. Debra Browning

    Awesome idea Anita, I love it. It is nice to put a face to people. I love reading about Darcey. I recently attend a virtual sewing retreat with women from all over the world and I had a wonderful time. I didn’t expect to have had learned many great tip, many new friends and I was encouraged to spend time with people who enjoyed doing what Ilove to do. Darcy you sew on, girl sew on!

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay, Debra! Thank you for celebrating Darcey today. What a fun virtual event! Maybe that will become a thing until all of the COVID19 stuff is over.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Debra for the continued encouragement!

  72. Sonya Brookins

    I really enjoyed your story Darcy. Thanks for sharing it with us❤️

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating our sew sister today.

    2. Darcey

      You are so welcome Sonya!

  73. Violet Carson

    Happy Saturday Darcy, AWESOME! The skirts look amazing and so does your T-Shirt. Keep them coming Darcy. Looking forward to more creations from. Good luck ? with all of your sewing projects my Dear. Peace and Joy?️

    1. Anita Morris

      Violet, thank you so much for celebrating Darcey today!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Violet! I love that I have clothes that fit me perfectly!

  74. Rema Jones

    Excellent! It was very nice hearing Darcy’s story and I look forward to meeting other fellow sewists. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me, Rema!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Rema for reading my story!

  75. Michelle

    Wonderful spotlight story.
    Keep up the good work, Darc!

    1. Darcey

      Thanks so much Michelle!

  76. Lydia M. King

    What a wonderful sharing idea! A sewing buddy would be a dream come true. I’ve been sewing since home Ec class in high school. I started sewing my brothers shirts for school. My mother would just buy the fabric and “ Lydia will sew the shirts”. I’m 80 years old now and since then I have sewn all kinds of garments, but you have helped me discover a new joy in sewing. I admire your patient and creative approach. I can see how much fun you let sewing be part of your life. I can also see how God has taken you under his wings, to inspire you to go on with your life.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Lydia, thank you so much for sharing. Wow! You’ve been sewing for a long time. What a joy! Gosh, I would love to sit with you and hear your stories. I appreciate your support and words of encouragement. Yes, God has me under his protective wings and I’m learning so much and being stretched to new heights.

    2. Ros Reed

      Oh my Ms. Lydia, what a blessing. I echo Anita’s words to sit with you just to hear the stories and receive the knowledge from you would be wonderful. I pray that the Lord will keep and strengthen you always. Thanks for sharing your message.

    3. Darcey

      Hi Lydia –
      You are an inspiration to me! You have been sewing such a long time and clearly are talented if you were sewing shorts for your brothers! Thank you for reading my story!

  77. Sue Keator

    I love the Sewing Buddy feature. My first project involved the nap of cordorouy going upside down on half of the back of an A line skirt, so I know how Darcey feels!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Sue! I’ve done the corduroy mistake too. Hahaha! Thank you for celebrating our sew sister today. I’m glad you like the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Sue –
      Thanks for sharing your fabric error. I think that those are our best lessons if we do not give up!

  78. Sheila Barfield

    Love this new feature of your blog. And Darcey was the perfect person to showcase first! Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Sheila! Yes, I think Darcey was the perfect 1st Spotlight! Thank you for celebrating her with me.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Sheila for reading my story!

  79. Chris Durrant

    Darcey’s makes are very impressive and I love her sense of style and the colours she uses. She looks lovely in all of them, except the upside yoke skirt of course although the corrected version is definitely lovely, and I totally agree that we learn more from our mistakes than our successes. You will never put a yoke on upside down again Darcey ?

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating Darcey, Chris.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Chris –
      You got that right about upside down yokes! Never again lol!
      Thank you for reading my story!

  80. Connie M High

    Such a great story…well done to you both!!!

    1. Darcey

      Thank you so much Connie!

  81. Crystal

    As a new sewist, this is sew, pun intended ?, encouraging. I love your videos Ms. Anita and it is wonderful that you are spotlighting other sewist, especially beginners. Awesome job Ms. Darcey, you are truly an inspiration. Now let me go cut my fabric for project #1 that I traced and cut months ago??‍♀️. No more procrastination or being scared.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Crystal!!!! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey with me today. I just love how her journey is encouraging others here. I have a heart for beginners! Have fun completing that circle skirt.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Crystal! Yes. go get cutting! Best of luck to you on your sewing journey!

  82. Trish

    Anita, I love your new segment. It is inspiring to hear about someone else’s journey. Darcy awesome job on your journey thus far and you can tell you have leaned so much because it shows in each piece you have sewn. Continue to stay blessed.

    1. Anita Morris

      Trish, thank you so much for celebrating our sew sister today!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Trish!

  83. Rosemary

    LUV, LUV, LUV this concept. Just started sewing again March of this year after many years of no activity. Wonderful to meet and exchange sewing dialogue with others.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh my gosh, Rosemary! Thank you so much for your excitement! Welcome back to the sewing community.

    2. Darcey

      Yes Rosemary –
      Welcome back to sewing! Enjoy!

  84. Oneika Brown

    This is a GREAT addition to your blog! I don’t know know you personally, but I do know that this is in line with you passion for helping and people. I, too, dream of a sewing Sister who I can sew with and talk to for hours! It was so awesome to virtually meet Darcey. I can relate to so many aspects of her story! Your member spotlight will not only inspire others, it may just allow connections to form, or “sewing-buddy” dreams come true if there are local connections! I’m looking forward to more spotlights. Will they be with every blog post? Or on their own schedule?

    Keep living in your purpose Anita!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Oneika! Thank you so much for celebrating our Darcey today. I really appreciate your feedback about the feature. You made some great points. How awesome it would be for us to make local connections through this. The feature with be once a month on the 1st, or every other month. I have our September member selected already. I’m really excited to keep this going.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Oneika!
      I am looking forward to the next member spotlight also next month!

  85. Kitty

    I enjoyed your new segment very much. It’s fun to read about the sewing journey someone is on and in many aspects how it parallels my own! Kudos to Darcy for starting to sewing again and to realize with patience and perseverance the joy it brings.
    I am looking forward to future member spotlights.

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome, Kitty! Thank you for celebrating Darcey today! My heart is so happy to hear that you enjoyed the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Kitty!

  86. Lauren

    Hi Darcey! You’ve made some great clothing so far. I’ve found that without a work commute (working @ home during pandemic) I have much more time to sew. Enjoy & make yourself a nice wardrobe!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you, Lauren, for celebrating Darcey with me.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Lauren –
      Same here – i am no longer commuting so I am able to sew more and be more focused for sure on things important to me and that includes sewing!

  87. Heidi

    What a beautiful feature! Darcey sounds like she would be a great sewing friend. I am the same age as Darcey, and I love how she realized that she needed to do things that she enjoyed outside of her family role. I can so appreciate that! Looking forward to future features. It makes us sewists feel less alone! Go Darcey!

    1. Anita Morris

      Heidi, thank you for celebrating our sew sister! I appreciate your feedback too and I’m glad to hear that you found this comforting.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Heidi! 🙂

  88. Christine

    This is my first Anita Blog and thoroughly enjoyed meeting Darcey. I am so thankful to have found this group. I hope to get to know you better through our mutual interest in sewing. All the Best. ❤️❤️

    1. Anita Morris

      Welcome, Christine! I’m so glad to have you join us. It blesses my heart to know you enjoyed the post.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Christine and welcome!

  89. Arie

    Good job Darcy. Your skirts and T-shirts look store bought. Keep on sewing!

    1. Anita Morris

      YES! Thank you for celebrating our sew sister, Arie!

    2. Darcey

      Oh wow thank you Arie!

  90. Nancy Hughes

    This is a wonderful story and I love hearing about the love of sewing from others. Thank you Anita, for giving back so much to the sewing community. Many of us are like you, wishing we had a sewing buddy to talk to and run with ideas. I am so happy for Darcy for pursuing her hobby and finding ways to be successful. Thank you for featuring her and I look forward to more highlights of others making their dreams come true. We need this positive input especially in 2020.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Nancy! Thank you so much for celebrating our sew sister, Darcey, today. Yes, we definitely need content that promotes love and joy for our hearts in 2020.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Nancy!

  91. Juanita Proctor

    Fabulous work, Darcy! It was so much fun to read about your journey. 🙂

    Anita, I love this new feature–keep it coming!

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay Juanita! Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me. I’m thrilled to hear that you love the new feature. Yes, I’ll keep it coming for sure.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Juanita so much for reading my story!

  92. Patti Van matre

    Oh I love this blog and your sewing buddy, Darcey is delightful and very inspiring. God is so good to bless us with sewing talents and friends. Anita I have enjoyed watching you, learning from you and am blessed to call you my sewing friend.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Patti, my sewing friend! Thank you for celebrating our Darcey today! She’s just so delightful!

    2. Darcey

      Yes Patti – Anita is a true sewing friend blessing!

  93. Judy

    You are learning so quickly Darcy. Beautiful wardrobe pieces in these pictures. That is a good looking family too. Keep sewing, learning and growing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey today!

    2. Darcey

      Oh Thank you Judy!

  94. Connie

    This is a great feature, Anita. I loved hearing about Darcy’s sewing journey and your role in her development as a sewist. She couldn’t have a better teacher. Good luck with your new feature!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Connie! I’m glad to hear that you enjoyed the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Connie for reading my story!

  95. Judith A Graham

    This is a wonderful feature Anita! I , too, am learning to sew from Anita and I agree with every Darcy says in regards to the videos. What a great job on all of the items that you made Darcey!! You have really inspired me to finish all of them now. Another great blog post! I am so thankful that I found AnitaByDesign!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Judith! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey today. I’m excited to hear that she has inspired you to finish the course.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Judith –
      Anita was wonderful and an amazing teacher!

  96. Marie

    Congratulations, Darcey, for beginning your sewing journey. Anita is a wonderful instructor and you are sure to learn a lot as she guides you through the process. I have been sewing for over 60 years and I am still learning new techniques and easier methods of construction. Enjoy the journey!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating our sister, Marie! Yes, we’re always learning new things.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Marie, I am definitely enjoying the journey and plan to continue for many years to come!

  97. Marilyn Mehit

    I made a comfy cup of tea to go along with one of my fresh out of the oven blueberry muffins that I made with blueberries from our farmers’ market and thoroughly enjoyed Darcy’s sewing journey. She’s only just begun and is doing a wonderful job. She’s a lovely young woman. Thank you, Anita, for sharing her inspiring story. I love your new feature and am anxiously awaiting the next one.

    1. Anita Morris

      Marilyn, I am smiling so hard right now. I can almost smell those fresh blueberry muffins. I think I need to go make a batch now. Hahaha! Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me. I’m so happy that you love the new feature.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Marilyn –
      I am so glad that you enjoyed the feature!

  98. Trish

    Hi Anita, Hi Darcey
    I so enjoyed reading and seeing photos of you this morning. I had a tearful morning today because of feeling housebound and you helped me turn that around! It is so good seeing you again Anita. And it is fun meeting you Darcey and seeing your gorgeous family. So many things seem disconnected now with the pandemic and so I appreciated the opportunity to get to know you and feel that connection we have as sewing sisters with Anita. I love that you sew barefoot. I do too. And I loved getting to see your sewing room and the special things you treasure there. Good job on sticking with it on your circle skirt. We’ve all done something like sewing something on the opposite direction and it made me laugh. You did the right thing, patiently going back later and fixing it. And you look lovely in it too. Thanks for sharing. So nice to visit with you and feel your inspiration coming through. I think I will go over and say Hi to my neighbor and bring her some tomatoes and herbs. I miss my friends and family. But it was so good seeing you this morning. Hands and Hearts shall never part. Love to you both – Trish from Minnesota

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Trish! You have just given my heart the biggest hug! Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey and sharing your heart. I am so overwhelmed with gratitude because Darcey has made an impact not only on my heart, but the hearts of readers here as well.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Trish from Minnesota!
      I laughed about the sewing barefoot – it is the best way that I can control the sewing pedal lol!
      My sewing space is also my daily workspace too and it is in a corner of my down stairs that I share with my children. I love my little sewing space – though I long to one day have a sewing studio in my home.
      Thank you for your comments and for sharing in my story!

  99. Sharon

    Congratulations Darcey! Anita I loved your new blog post.

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome, Sharon! Thank you for celebrating our sister!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you so much Sharon!

  100. Stephanie Muhammad

    This was such a sweet story. It is a little hard when you don’t really have someone who sews that you can sit and geek out about sewing.

    1. Darcey

      Hi Stephanie and than you for reading my story!

  101. Devoria Hall

    Darcey, your experience is so inspiring. I started out sewing with Anita awhile ago, but got sidetracked with bouts of anxiety due to the loss of my mother. Your journey with Anita has made me think a little, and to return to something that gave me so much joy. I am going to go, and start her lessons from the beginning, and I hope to stick with it this time.

    1. Judith A Graham

      Me too Devoria! I am dedicated to completing all items this time.

      1. Darcey

        Yes Judith and Devoria –
        Let’s all be able to say we completed the entire Anita Learn to Sew course!

    2. Anita Morris

      Oh my gosh! Devoria, thank you so much for celebrating our sister and sharing your story. I’m very sorry to hear about your mom and you KNOW I understand having to step away when you lose someone you love. I’m excited to hear that Darcy has inspired you to start again. You’ve GOT this, Devoria!

    3. Darcey

      Yeah Devoria – Give it a go again! I am cheering for you!

  102. Monique

    Hi Darcey Lynn,

    Great job! I am so glad that you are taking time to do something just for you. Your garments look beautiful. How wonderful it is to make something for you.

    Anita, great job. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Monique, thank you so much for celebrating our sister!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Monique!

  103. Jennifer

    Anita I love this new segment of your blog!!!
    Such a beautiful story of this young lady, what determination she had, she didn’t give up.

    Welcome Darcy, you definitely found a good sewing home., and your skirt came out beautiful. Anita is a beautiful person to have as your instructor, what a beautiful spirit she has (although I’ve never met her personally), she’s always very kind in her comments.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Jennifer, thank you for celebrating Darcey! I’m so thrilled to know you love the new feature.

      1. Darcey

        Yes! Anita you are the absolute best! I love having her as my instructor!

  104. cynthia Lindsley

    Thank you Anita, what a fun idea. It will be fun to get to know one another. I would love to know how this idea came to you.
    Darsey reminds me of my daughter in law, a very easy pleasant person.

    1. Carmen

      What a great spotlight! Darcy and I have your sew series in common. Three years ago when I returned to sewing I started with your beginner sew series. I made that skirt and as a matter of fact plan to remake it to see how far I’ve come in skill. Great article and can’t wait to check her out on IG.

      1. Anita Morris

        Hey Carmen! I had no idea you watched the Learn to Sew Series. Have fun making that skirt again. I can’t wait to see and hear about your progress.

    2. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much, Cynthia! Yes, Darcey has a very pleasant and peaceful demeanor.

      This idea came to me a long time ago. When I saw how much support I was receiving from other sew sisters, my heart was overwhelmed and I wanted to do the same for them. I’m always curious about how others got started sewing. So I decided to combine the two and start celebrating our sew sisters here on the Blog.

    3. Darcey

      Oh Thank you Cynthia!

  105. Toni Drummond

    Welcome to the sewing family Darcey! I’m glad you found sewing and that it brings you joy. It’s a blessing to have something just for us as we often forget about ourselves while being everything to everyone else.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, Toni! You are so right. Thank you for celebrating our sister.

    2. Darcey

      Toni –
      I am so glad that God led me to sewing! This has truly become “my thing” and my children and husband are so supportive!

  106. Jane

    Darcy, you are doing great! Your clothes are beautiful and you are, too. Keep up the good work.

    1. Anita Morris

      Isn’t she amazing? Thank you for celebrating our sister.

      1. Darcey Cobbs-Lomax

        Thank you Anita and Jane for your sweet comments!

  107. Avis

    That was a great read. It’s like meeting a new friend that has the same love of sewing. Anita, this is a lovely idea.
    A peaceful knowing feeling came ove me when I read her story. You go Darcey.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Avis! Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me. Your “peaceful feeling” comment really blessed my heart.

    2. Darcey Cobbs-Lomax

      Avis your comment is so special. Thank you!

  108. Caroll

    First if all, I ABSOLUTELY enjoy your new segment to the blog!
    Next, Darcey congratulations on a job well done! I currently have a skirt zipper that needs to be removed, now!?
    And it is such a pleasure to cheer one another on in life!
    Anita, you’ve done it again.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay, Caroll! I’m so glad that you enjoyed the new feature. Thank you so much for celebrating Darcey!

    2. Darcey

      Caroll –
      YOU CAN DO IT! I think that I nearly cred tears about the zipper and taking it out. But, I am so glad that I went back and took it out!

  109. Lazonia Cooper

    Great job! Loving progress, I too am learning to sew and desire to use Anita’s videos; however, a seamstress at my church offered her services so I’m currently learning with her. Once I’ve finished the lessons with her it is my prayer that following with Anita will be a breeze?

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome Lazonia! You are especially blessed to have someone teach you I person. Enjoy the journey and I look forward to seeing some of your projects in the future.

    2. Darcey

      Yes Lazonia –
      You are blessed to have a face-to-face teacher! Enjoy and make the best of it!

  110. Melissa

    Yay Darcey!!! You’re off to an amazing start with a wonderful skill that you’ll always find useful. Keep at it, your projects look super!

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, she makes my heart smile so big.

    2. Darcey

      Thanks Melissa for the encouragement!

  111. Joanne Kucinskas

    I absolutely love this new feature! I stand up an applaud Darcey and wish I lived near her to be her sewing buddy. Thank you for sharing her story and inspiring so many people.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh YES! Thank you for celebrating Darcey!

    2. Darcey

      Oh Joanne –
      Thank you! I love that you wish we could be sewing buddies! Keep sewing!

  112. Deana Frink

    I loved reading about Darcey! This is wonderful!

    1. Anita Morris

      I’m so glad you liked it Deana!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Deana!

  113. Sheryl H

    Really enjoyed reading about Darcy’s sewing journey. I’ve been seeing for 60 years and I still can relate to her beginning sewing attempts. attempts and mistakes are the way we learn and get better. If someone tells you they have never ripped out a seam they are lying!

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, Sheryl, you’re right. Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Sheryl –
      I am so glad to know that I am not the only one that made such a huge sewing error!

  114. Dawn

    Your garments are wonderful Darcey. Anita, I enjoy reading about journeys in sewing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh YES! Thank you for celebrating our sister and letting me know you like this new feature. I’m so excited!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Dawn for the compliment!

  115. Zina Royster

    Darcy!!! That inspire me to stop ordering so much fabric ? and go cut out the pattern for New Look 6458 ✂️. Keep up the good work!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hahahaha! Zina, that is hilarious! Thank you for celebrating our sister. Now get to sewing! Hahaha!

    2. Darcey

      Yes Zina! That is one of my favorite patterns! Get started!

  116. Velvetta

    Congratulations Darcey. Great job on your sewing projects.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much for celebrating our sister.

    2. Darcey

      Thanks so much Velvetta!

  117. Jamara Alexander

    OMG!!!!! I LOVE this. Her story is so similar to mine that its crazy! I see all these people online that I follow and I always want to know more about them and their sewing story. This is an AMAZING new feature that I will be sure to stay tuned for. Thank you so much Ms. Anita!!! This was right on time, I feel like I’m making new virtual friends.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oooohhh, Jamara, you’re making my heart smile. I’m so glad to hear that you like this new feature. Wow! How awesome that you and Darcey have similar stories.

    2. Darcey

      Thank you Jamara!

      I am following you on IG and I always think of you and me as sewing peers! I will follow your sewing journey also! And yes, we are now “virtual friends!”

  118. Aileen

    Congratulations Darcey on not giving up. Your post has inspired me??

    1. Anita Morris

      YES! Thank you for celebrating our sister. I’m so glad you’re inspired by the post.

    2. Darcey

      Hi Aileen –
      I am so glad that I can inspire you! Keep sewing!

  119. Kat

    Oh I love this new feature! It’s really nice to get to know another sewist and I like the random questions at the end too. Good luck on your sewing journey, Darcey! Thank you also Anita, I am looking forward to next month’s installment x

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay, Kat! Thank you for celebrating our sister with me. I’m so happy that you like the new feature. My heart is just beaming right now.

      1. Darcey

        Hi Anita and Kat –
        This has been an amazing wonderful feature! Now, I am looking forward to seeing the next installment also!

  120. Annette Canonica

    Love the new feature Anita! Well done Darcey – it was sew nice to meet you. Keep sewing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay! Thank you for celebrating Darcey with me.

    2. Darcey

      Thanks Annette! Thank you for reading the feature and I plan to keep sewing for sure!

  121. Joanne Cava

    this was wonderful =. I found you also on You Tube and have passed your name onto others (my daughter who is just learning to sew at 30) = she followed your serger class and loved it = thanks for being a patient kind instructor

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much for the referral, Joanne! I really appreciate it.

    2. Darcey

      Yes Joanne –
      Anita is an amazing instructor. I look forward to owning a serger one day and taking Anita’s class!

  122. Cynthia

    Congratulations Darcey,

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for celebrating our sister, Cynthia!

    2. Darcey

      Thank you sew much Anita!

  123. Robyn

    Well done, Darcey! I love this new feature, Anita!

    1. Anita Morris

      I’m so glad to hear that you like it, Robyn!

      1. Darcey

        Thank you Robyn! I appreciate the support!

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