Happy Wednesday!
As I navigate this unfamiliar territory, I’m learning just how unpredictable the grief process can be. It really is an emotional roller coaster, where I’m fine one minute and crying my eyes out the next, with no obvious triggers. Sometimes just the thought of him makes me cry. The day I sewed this outfit was a rough one. I cut the shorts one day, then cut the top and sewed both pieces the next. I woke up that morning wanting to sew, but when I sat down to the machine and looked at the fabric, I became sad. I turned away and almost got up to walk out of the room, but just sat there instead. I looked out the window as my heart sank and I began to breath deeply, the pain rising and tears forming. I thought about what I would do if I left, and knew that retreating to my bedroom to cry would be the next move. So instead, I sat there and cried. Afterwards, I uncovered my machine and prepared to start stitching. Just then a friend called and when she asked how I was doing, I told her the truth. She started praying immediately and I felt the love of God all over me. After we hung up, I started sewing and finished the shorts first. Later, while I was sewing the top, I became sad again. I took a break and allowed the tears to flow right there in my space. Shortly afterwards, my pastor called, but before I could answer he hung up. I called back and he told me it was a pocket call, that he was just walking and all of a sudden heard ringing. He hung up because he didn’t mean to call me. He asked how I was doing, and again, I told the truth. He started praying and encouraged me with words from my God. Before we said goodbye I told him that the phone call was NOT an accident. God sent His servant to encourage me at the very moment I needed it (for the second time that day). After we hung up, I felt a physical surge of energy go through my body. I started thanking God for His presence and relentless love, then I smiled and started sewing again. I finished the set, tried it on and said, BOOM! I did it! I persevered through my pain. Even if I had walked away, it would have been okay, but I didn’t, and it felt GREAT. So I’m remembering this project as the one I cried myself through to completion. Literally! I don’t think it’s coincidence either that green fabric was used. Green is the color of growth. Grieving promotes healing. Healing promotes growth. There’s purpose in growth, which benefits those around us when channeled properly. This first photo depicts just about how I felt after finishing this project. Yes, this smile says, “I DID IT!”
In my quest to capture great photos for my blog, I packed up my gear the next day and planned on going to a long stretch of road near our home that isn’t heavily traveled. It was the middle of the day, around 2:00ish, so I knew there would be full sun but I wanted to give it a shot anyway. When I started to back out of the driveway, I changed my mind and decided to try a shoot on the street in front of our house. Honey, when I got out of the car, that heat hit me so hard that I couldn’t get back into the garage fast enough. No WAY was I gonna go out to anybody’s street for photos that day, at that hour. I didn’t realize it before I went outdoors but the temperature was over 100 degrees. I could have waited until later when it was cooler, but I just wanted to do it right then, while I was wearing the set and fresh makeup. So I went on the side of our house, in the driveway where there was full shade, and started shooting. Hahahaha!!! It was so hot that I literally began to sweat at the end, and I didn’t take nearly as many photos as I usually do. Cecil and I used to go out early to shoot, so I need to get my routine down and schedule my shoots for the morning.
McCall’s 7543 = Off-the-Shoulder Top
For the top, I used McCall’s 7543, View B, with a soft, bottomweight, 100% cotton, wrinklease fabric from my stash that I picked up from JoAnn Fabrics. The olive color caught my attention, then when I unwrapped it from the bolt I knew it would be nice for a shirt (but I had another pattern in mind at the time). It’s nice and soft with a lovely drape. Again, I chose an easy design to help me get some pieces done without drama. Any amount of sewing drama on this particular day would have certainly sent me running from the room. Hahaha! I absolutely love the outcome. I sewed a size small, but I would actually go up to a medium if I sewed it again because I need a bit more fullness across the chest on this one. For those new to sewing, the only part where there may be a bit of struggle for beginners is with hemming the ties on the sleeves. Because there are curves, you would be easing in the fabric to hem the ties. That takes practice and I do plan to demonstrate and explain it in a future video (I don’t know when yet).
Simplicity 8134 = “Easy-to-Sew” Wrap Shorts
For the shorts, I used Simplicity 8134, View D. This pattern is labeled as “Easy-to-Sew” and I agree. Beginners with basic sewing knowledge should be successful in completing this by following the pattern instructions. I sewed a size 12 and am pleased with the fit. I’m thinking about sewing View B for the longer version.
Until next time, I wish you all joy in your hearts.
Thanks for stopping by!
Remember: When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES!

GOD is truly amazing. I don’t claim to know why he called Cecil home, but I do know that he is a GOD who can take that brokenness and make it whole again and in all of this he loves you enough to help you through it and what I love about it or should I say you is that you see him in the mist of your pain,working things out May he continue giving you peace in the mist of your storms just continue to hold on to his unchanging hand. Glory to GOD always
Also you can sew your behind off lol I love your outfits. What a joy for me to see. Keep doing what you do because you are inspiring
It is so good to see you smile through your pain. Don’t ever lose what God has given you to get through. You are a beautiful Child of God and He is using you to show others they can make it through also.
Love you and your testimony.
My sister told me about you and CEMO..I can only imagine dear one. Tonight I came downstairs to shut down my computer and there you were…I rejoice with your beauty and the gift and talent of your incredible sewing skills. I love this outfit…outstanding…BTW I nearly failed my one sewing class in college! But, I can rejoice with you!! Blessings.
Dear Anita,
You are a wonder and the clothes you sew are exceptionally beautiful. I just had to share this on my fb as another follow up to your journey in grief over the lost on this earth of CEMO. I KNOW it will help others and also will be another great sewing project for others. Continued prayers
Thank you,
Awww, thank you so much for all your support and prayres, Geri.
Anita I’m so proud of you. I’m glad that you fought your way through your grief and gave God all of the glory. To be absent in the body is to be present with the Lord… CEMO is not surprised at your strength he is rejoicing in your resilience. Thank you for not giving up, we need you.
Love you❤️❤️
I read this post with both tears and a smile. You are so right there is no accidents with God- He is with you.
You are such an inspirational person- I am not a sewer but some day I am going to learn. My heart is there with you …
I live in Claremont Ca and if you are ever in this area. I would live to meet you.
I am Krismelissa on instagram!
Hugs to you
You are such a blessing. My Almighty God continue to show you that He is always with you and loves you. God bless you.
There is no right or wrong way to grieve. All you can do it your best and you are doing that and more. I know you mentioned it but nothing would have been wrong with going back to bed and having a good cry. I’m glad you cried your way through it though, the outfit looks great. I will have to grab this shorts pattern.
I’m inspired by your struggle, courage and pain. I see soo much love in the way you write to express your life Thank you for sharing the most difficult time of your life.And I will be heading to get these patterns and fabric tomorrow because you are ABSOLUTELY AND POSITIVELY STUNNING.
Hello Anita,
You look beautiful! I am rejoicing with you. I love that you are slowly turning your “Pain” into “Power”. We will continue to pray your strength in the Lord as you move through this healing process.
Such a cute outfit. I made that same top about a month ago out of some black and gold stripped China silk that was gifted to me and I paired it with a short black skirt. It turned out just as lovely as yours. Sewing is fun and therapeutic. I’m glad that you are getting back into your sewing groove. I can only imagine your daily struggles but please know that it is great to hear from you and see your projects whenever you can reach out. Baby steps… Stay strong in the Lord.
You look beautiful Anita! And your sewing and faith are inspiring, thank you for sharing it with us. Stay courageous, you’ve got so much love surrounding you xxx
Well done simply beautiful
Beautiful outfit.
Anita, beautiful outfit…you’re truly blessed with creativity. I love when He shows up. Another great “Wednesday with God!”
Hi Anita!
This top looks on your better than on the pattern ☺️ Such a cute outfit! Great job! Thank you for sharing!
God bless you!
So happy for you, I don’t know you but I know how beautiful you are. Keep up moving forward.
I love the short! I will have to find this pattern. Thank you for sharing so much of your heart with us. God bless. Love from southwest Florida.
Oh Anita what a beautiful outfit, but what’s so much more beautiful is you sharing your healing. After losing my dad in May I can relate. Grief is apart of the healing process and some processes takes time. I’m so thankful to have and serve a loving, comforting, peace and strength giving God who knows what we need and when we need it. Continually praying for you and your family. God bless you!
You go girl!
This outfit looks so beautifully done. I just love the sleeves with the ties. I am looking forward to the video on how to sew them. Thank you for the sewing inspiration. Also, thank you for sharing your experience with grieving. I am so sorry you are having to go through this instead of spending time with your beloved. May God continue to bless you. You are a such blessing to others. I went to JoAnns and bought the fabric and pattern and zipper and thread for my Beginner Sewing skirt day before yesterday. I am going to go through your video. I found out the skirt pattern does not come in a size big enough for me, so I found a video on how to grade patterns to a bigger size, and I am going to try that. We’ll see how it goes.
Really really cute!
Oh my,
That’s such a nice set and looks so cool?. Our heat index(SC) is 106 ?! I’m encouraged by your perseverance.
Love your outfit and your photos, but love you testimony even more! It is encouraging and inspirational!
It looks very good on you thanks for your blog it keep me inspired to see more for me. May God continue to keep your blessing flowing.
I am so glad to see you back on the blog. You are such an inspiration. I love this outfit. Will be really cute for my upcoming vacation. I have both patterns so can’t wait to make. Stay encourage. I pray God continues to give you peace that surpasses all understanding.
What an encouragement to you are, my sister. May God continue to show Himself strong through you as well as myself as we continue to live and thrive in the absence of our husbands but in the presence of our Father. Thanking God for the gift of sewing and for your inspiration. Stay Be-YOU-tiful <3
Oh Celeste, my sister! God is our EVERYTHING! My prayers are for you too and yes, so grateful for the gift of sewing.
This is just darling. It’s sophisticated but at the same time, playful!
I’ve been quilting for many years now, but am tempted to get back to sewing garments. Did you shoot this yourself? Using a timer?
Thanks Valerie! WooHoo! Would be awesome to see some of your garments when you get back to it. Yes, I shot my own photos, using the timer.
Now don”t you look GREAT! Just as physical healing takes time, so does grieving for our loved ones take time also! So be patient and allow the HOLY SPIRIT do HIS work! HE is Right there with you!
Yep! I feel His presence with me everyday.
Cute project! I remember the challengenges when I lost my father and the struggle to move forward. I too have some special accomplishments from that journey. I wish I was sewing then. He used to encourage learning but I didnt at that time. I know he sees me now! He’s probably tickled pink! Now I’ll go make wrap shorts!! ?
Awesome! Never too late to take heed to the encouragement of a parent. Have fun making your wrap shorts.
Beautiful Anita,
You are amazing, in all your rawness amazing!
Grief is part of you now, I loved in another post a little while back, that you laughed. Because you recallled your beautiful husband and the thought had brought on laughter. Yes to laughing at his memories, yes to crying for the emptiness his departure has left. Yes yes yes! Cry and laugh to your hearts content!
This outfit is so wonderful, it’s modern, appears ridiculously comfortable. Exactly my style, a comfortable fit is what calls me always.
What would you recommend to start with for a before beginner stage if there’s such a place to be ?. I’m a perfectionist (working on it) and accept there will be failure before glory. I have an 11yr old to use as my model. Elastic waist band for example, zipper application. What do you recommend for real easy practice.
I think of you daily because you are Motherly, Sisterly, an amazing Friend-like, but most important God-like.
Your humble wiser than wise testimonies bring me warmth and joy, even in your pain because of your incredible grace.
My love to you always beautiful Anita ??
Thank you so much, Rosa, for your encouragement! I would recommend starting with a simple straight for her with an elastic waist. If you haven’t already, check out my Beginner’s Sewing Course where I take you from beginning to completion of six projects with detailed, step-by-step instructions. Each project introduces new skills for the beginner. Even if you don’t make the garments in the course for her, you can watch the videos to learn the basics. We make a basic skirt with elastic waist in the course. Best wishes as you begin your sewing journey.
Anita, you are looking good. The out fit is great! Glad to see that you’ve jumped a hurdle, where the prayers of your friends help lift you up. Continued prayer for you and your family!
Anita, I LOVE the outfit, you look FANTASTIC!!! I’m glad to see that you’re back to sewing. I will continue to keep you and your sons in my prayers.
Love the outfit! Love the color!!!
Thank you for sharing your testimony! I absolutely love seeing God in action! You are truly loved my sister!
Love the outfit! I am continually praying for you and thinking of you. You are absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you for sharing with us. Beautiful job on the top and shorts.
I love this. Will definitely be doing this. Thank you for allowing the light of God to radiate through you. I talk about you and your resilience with my family as if I know you personally. You give off such a good vibe even through pictures. Thank you for allowing God to use you!!
What a smart outfit! It looks great on you!
I too have wept, many times in my sewing studio, as it is a reminder of my husband , who did such a wonderful job making a separate garage into a a nice guest house-sewing studio for me…also when I remember my daughter, as we planned and picked out patterns and fabrics out of my stash for an outfit for her.
So, I cry, and wipe my eyes and proceed. Yes, it isn’t easy, but I am so glad that I have that wonderful space, and fond memories of the past.
You are a beautiful soul… and I appreciate your openness and beautiful words to all of us.
Those of us who grieve, go on, trying to get used to our new normal….
I am so thankful for my best friend, Jesus…..
Ooooh, Enid, Enid, Enid! My heart weeps with yours, sister! We are both being comforted by the love of our Father and will continue to thrive in His presence. I LOVE that you have a space created my your husband and such beautiful memories of him and your daughter. I treasure the memories. I thank God for the memories. Yes, we have to carry on in our new normal, allowing our Jesus to show us the way.
I really needed to read your blog this morning. I too cry a lot at my sewing machine (if only my machine could talk) I still feel the need to cry. My sewing is my passion and it keeps me busy and I too pray alot; Thanks for your sharing your strength … oh yes, you and your projects look GREAT. Keep it up. Look forward to your next adventure ! HUGS !
Libby, I know how you feel about having sewing to keep you busy. I know that it will help me a lot as I continue. I can’t say enough how grateful I am to have my sewing. God bless you, sister.
Hi Anita, Love your outfit, your transparency and strength.
I love it. I just made me a pair of wrap pants and never considered the wrap shorts. I’m definitely making this. You look absolutely great. Keep ’em coming
Hi Anita, your post was so encouraging. I know that God is real. He is truly a comforter and He knows exactly what we need, when we need it. I am glad you completed the outfit. I love that color. Continuous prayer for you & your family. Rosalind
You are my shining star, Anita! You honesty and faith make the world a better place.
I know you are strong, yet I still tear up everytime you talk about Cecil and your pain. But we are all here for you, and we are all going to lift you up each and every day.
Sending more love and prayers and big hugs!
Thank you so much, Jodie! All the prayers are really helpful. They strengthen me daily.