Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

For every person on this earth, there will likely come a time, if it hasn’t already happened, when you will come face to face with a devastating life event. When that time comes, you will make a choice. You will either lie down and quit, or you will stand up and overcome. How you choose to respond will determine where your future finds you.


Most of you already know that my husband of 22 years died almost a year ago (April 17, 2018) from brain cancer. This was the second time in my life when I’ve had to choose between quitting and overcoming. The other time was when we came very close to divorce, but chose to fight for our marriage. That which was intended to harm us, God used to increase our faith, love and commitment to each other. The breakdown in our marriage became the foot stool for the BUILD-UP and LEVEL-UP. We overcame together and were stronger because of it.

Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse


(Photo Credit: The Master’s Plan Photography by Pam Balch)

His death has been the most devastating thing I’ve ever had to face. Nevertheless, I’ve chosen to overcome. However, this time it’s just me and God. My CEMO isn’t here to help me through this one.




The grief process is a deeply personal journey that must take place if we are to find ourselves healthy and whole on the other side. It’s an unpredictable roller coaster that affects each person differently in both expression and timing.


On the other hand, one thing that is the same for everyone, is the fact that it must be endured. There are no shortcuts in grief. One may try to avoid it, hide from it, or put if off. However, in the end, it will find you, and demand its course.




In the meantime, while grief is being embraced, the second part of overcoming is being manifested simultaneously, which is growth. God doesn’t allow us to go through anything in life without placing before us an opportunity for growth. Once you embrace the grief, healing begins and growth becomes attainable.



Having said that, as I move through this process of grieving and growing, God has made it clear (through an unbelievable chain of events) that I am to SPEAK. He is calling me to do the one thing that has always evoked heart pounding, knee-knocking, hand trembling fear. Nevertheless, my immutable faith will not allow me to ignore the call. Through obedience, His message of hope will shine through, as I stand before His people and open my mouth for His glory. He’s the potter and I’m the clay, surrendered to be moulded into His instrument of encouragement to women. I’m the vessel and He’s given me a voice. I must SPEAK! Pray for me!

I was invited to visit a local Toastmasters meeting in January. After three visits, I decided to become a member in order to learn, practice and improve my speaking skills.



Each new member is required to deliver an Ice Breaker Speech, which brings me to today’s DIY outfit. I wanted to look the part for my speech, so of course I had to make something to wear. I made this Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse for the occasion. Looking good helps me to feel better and I felt GREAT that day!!!


Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse


For the skirt I chose Butterick 5466 and this beautiful brocade that I purchased from a vendor at the Sew Much Talent Sewing Retreat last year. Here are options for BROCADE FABRIC from Joann Fabrics.


Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

The Pussy Bow Blouse is Vogue 8772 with a gold, slinky knit that’s been in my fabric collection for a very long time. I don’t remember where I purchased it from but here are options for similar SLINKY KNIT FABRIC from Michael Levine Fabrics.


Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

I love both pieces and look forward to lots of wear mixed in with other DIY separates, like the gold turtleneck sweater I made this winter. Also, the blouse would look so cute with a pair of jeans, which I plan to start working on soon. WooHoo!!! I’m finally adding more separates to my DIY wardrobe.


Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

The Ice Breaker Speech went very well. Although I was nervous in the beginning, I actually did an amazing job. My agenda was to capture the attention of the audience, draw them into my story, and move them to action . I showed up looking smart in my DIY outfit, and spoke from the heart. They LOVED it!

Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse
May I encourage you today? Life happens to all of us and we have no control over some of the things that will come upon us. Here’s the truth. You are resilient! You’re a survivor! But you will have to make a choice when faced with life’s trials. You can choose to lie down and quit on life, believing it’s over for you. Or, you can STAND UP, in the midst of your circumstances, choose to OVERCOME, and thrive in life. I urge you to choose the latter.

I’m Anita Morris, and I’m an OVERCOMER!!!


Straight Skirt & Pussy Bow Blouse

Thanks for stopping by!

This Post Has 117 Comments

  1. Yvonne Fleshman

    Love you and strong woman of God

  2. Verla Kerr-Bidos

    You are an amazingly strong woman; thanks for your strength, grace and uplifting words.

  3. mandy Saunders

    You are truly a remarkable woman. All the best for the growth and your future. Life is about picking yourself up, dusting off and walking forwards.

  4. Deborah Kreiling

    Anita my friend, You are an inspiration. First, the words you write are beautiful. Your strength and devotion since the passing of your husband is tremendous. For me, my personal crisis these days, I need your strength and wisdom for sure. I thank you.
    Love, Deb

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Deb, I think about you sometimes. You’re resilient and you’re stronger than you imagine. I love you.

  5. Michelle

    All I can say is amazing. I do agree with you on the choices we have when faced with trials. Sometimes it can paralyze us but we have to keep pushing forward.

    Will you be doing a tutorial on sewing the skirt with Butterick 5466. I do have that pattern. :0)

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Michelle. Although I have a tutorial for a skirt like this, the other one doesn’t have a waist band, so I’m actually thinking of creating a sew-along for this one.

  6. Sharon Knott

    Ms. Anita. I can relate to your testimony on many levels. So first and far most, thank God for the Jesus in you to live again. It was not by power, nor by might, but by His Spirit. I use to sew and teach others how to sew, but due to life turns all of that has been placed on hold as I had to return to outside employment. I STAND TO SAY..GOD IS TRUNING IT AROUND AND I AM WILLING TO FOLLOW HIM!! Thanks for your inspiration and I pray we meet face to face one day.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yeeeesss, Sharon! Follow His lead and you’ll be exactly where you need to be. I pray that we meet one day too.

  7. Bernadette

    Hello Miss Anita I can comprehend with you when you said you had to speak I had to speak a few weeks ago at my church on a Friday night and a Saturday morning I’ve only been a member for over a year but I’ve been saved since I’ve been 15 years old and I just turned 58 in April God is so good and I know he put challenges in our lives sometime and you are right we lay down or we get up and we fight and your courage being in God it’s what’s keeping you going God bless you I love you my sister

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Bernadette, thank you so much. I love you too.

  8. LaDonna Hamlin

    What a beautiful entry for your blog. It inspires me and I need that today. I know that when God calls you to a specific ministry, you have to submit and follow. I am looking forward to watching you follow this new chapter of your life. God bless you for your courage to walk this path and to be an encouragement to all. I can’t begin to tell you how much your words were meant for me to see them today, at this moment in my life.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh, Ladonna, I’m so grateful you stopped by to visit the blog. God has purpose for everything. I send blessings your way, sister.

  9. Sandra

    You are so beautiful starting from within and glowing outward to share with everyone you come in contact with. You have inspired me to stand strong to whatever comes my way. I feel an “Anita by Design” book coming soon!!! May God continue to bless you and your family!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much, Sandra! Keeping my heart open about the book, as many have shared the same sentiment.

  10. Tasha

    You are an OVERCOMER!!! I am literally speechless and in tears. Since I first started following you on IG I have been wowed at the Spirit of God in you and upon your life. Today is no different! And it is that Spirit that continues to cause me to admire you and your faith more and more each day!! God is truly amazing and it is an honor and blessing to me to see the hand of the Lord upon you. Thank you for being so transparent.

    1. Anita Morris

      Tasha, Tasha, Tasha!!! Thank you for calling out what you have observed, the Spirit at work. Before I started this blog, I asked God to help me honor Him. If anyone can be encouraged and see Him at work within me, I’m beyond grateful. God amazes me every day.

    1. Caroll

      I’m so grateful that God is given you such strength! I’m encouraged to get up again! You have no idea how much this has spoken to me! Sister, you are on ? for the Lord! Blessings, to you and your family! I can only image how proud your boys are to see their MOM with such tenacity.

      1. Anita Morris

        Oh my GOSH! Caroll, thank you so much for sharing. Thank you for getting up, sister. Keep getting up. We all fall once in a while, but what’s important is the GET UP!!! The GET UP is what strengthens us. The GET UP is what prepares us for what He has ahead on the path He’s prepared just for us. You GET UP will be your testimony and help someone else who’s watching you. You GETTING UP will motivate another sister to GET UP too. I applaud you today. Blessings my sister.

  11. Shontell

    You are an amazing woman and when I get the opportunity to read your blog I truly enjoy it! I’ve followed you since you first launched your blog and I must say God is allowing you to use this platform for His glory. May you continue to sew beautiful garments, smile brightly and share your voice to women all over.

    1. Anita Morris

      Shontell, whew GIRL! You just pumped more Holy Spirit energy into me. Thank you for staying with me for this long. When you said, “…God is allowing you to use this platform for His glory,” chills moved from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. You see, that was my desire from the beginning. Yes, it’s a sewing blog, but because God is the center from which every area of my life thrives, it encourages me when others are moved by His radiant light when coming here. I really appreciate you.

  12. sherrelle gilchrist

    I love it and the color looks great on you. Please do a sewalongs for the shirt.

  13. Julia B

    It’s time! It’s time for black women to speak! You are a great role model for your sisters and also wimpy WASPs like me who most days want to crawl under the covers. After you entered my life with your blog and videos, I realized I needed to get my act together and use my talents to reach out. I am involved with our local chapter of Girls Inc, which is very well led by strong, bold women, such as yourself. It’s making a difference in young girls’ and young women’s lives and I want to help. So, in a way, you’re affecting women around the globe! We want to be CEMO and Anita strong!

    1. Anita Morris

      Julia!!! Oh my HEART!!! Girls Inc. sounds like an amazing organization. May His light and love capture the hearts and souls of the young ladies and women who are being served. You will be blessed beyond your greatest imagination if you get involved with this ministry. Trust me! I’ve experienced the beautiful growth and awe that’s associated with pouring into the lives of young girls. It’s priceless beyond words. GO! Do it! Many blessings to you sister.

  14. MonicaAD

    BUT GOD!!!! It’s always a blessing to see your posts and to see what God is and has done … To God Be The Glory for He specializes in things that seems impossible and He can do what NO other POWER CAN!!!! Be all that God has you to be Anita!!! GREAT THINGS I SEE IN YOUR FUTURE <3 <3 <3

    1. Anita Morris

      Oooohhh!!! “He specializes in things that seem impossible…” Okay, you just preached a whole sermon with that one line. Yes, ma’am. “With God, all things are possible.” Goodness, I want to get up and dance now. My God is INCREDIBLE! Thank you so much for sharing.

  15. Lee

    Bravo! xxx

  16. LaTanya Coleman Curtis

    Yes, yes, yes! A while back I wrote to you about grieving. Just when you think things are good, grief knocks you in the knees. I’ve been there. My family and I, always thought I was the strongest person they’ve known. I could handle anything. I would always tell them, Psalms 23:4. But grief ! My grief opened up a can of depression. I’ve always had a sense of humor. So I covered my pain, with comedy. So along with Fibromyalgia, chronic back pain, I added grief and depression. My pain management physician gave me meds to help try relieve some of the pain, along with pain block epidurals. I started taking extra pain pills because sleeping was a good way not to think about things. My son told me that he and his son has ADHD so I read a few articles and thought I had it called my Internal MED doctor made a appointment and she said I’d have to go see a psychiatrist.. I decided I didn’t have that.. lol.. I started changing everything that depressed me. I moved in March. I through away all my old furniture, including the bedroom set. And bought all new stuff. I changed friends. They were toxic. Every time they called me on the phone, when they hung up, my whole body was in pain and heavy from trying to carry their problems on my shoulders along with mines. I started walking. As I walked I talked to GOD. At night when it’s quiet, I sit in my backyard and pray. I could hear this song playing in my head, and everything would get quiet. Peace be Still. When I was a young girl I never understood that song. Seems like the choir would sing that song every other Sunday at church. I now know what that song means.
    I no longer take extra meds. I made a mistake, the new house has stairs and both bathrooms are upstairs.. eww. But I’m happy inside. I closed the door on grief and depression and locked them outside.

    Keep your head to the sky! #mrscemostrong

    1. Anita Morris

      OoooWeee! You ladies are on fire this week. “Peace, be still.” Straight from the Word of God. I love how you recognized that change was needed and acted on it. Sometimes we don’t even realize that the very things we’re trying to hold on to the most are the major contributing factors to our unhappiness and illness. I applaud you for taking control of your own life. Many blessings to you LaTanya.

  17. Michelle

    Hi Anita
    Such a powerful and inspiring message. I believe you have been ministering to all of us through your blogging and sewing of projects. Now you are taking the next steps that are ordained for your.
    Nice to see you on social media and lovely outfit.

  18. Ellen

    Anita , I am so proud of you ,I know god has his plan for your love life you are helping so many people learn to sew and now with your husband passing away you will be anne to minister to so many ladies ..god bless you and remember god doesn’t waste a hurt ❤️??

    1. Anita Morris

      Amen, Ellen! He does not waste a hurt.

  19. Janine Helligar

    Hi, Anita.

    For years, I had been coping with debilitating migraine headaches that lasted 2 to 3 weeks out of every month AND excruciating irritable bowel syndrome episodes!

    Then, I developed a new symptom, facial numbness on one side of my face — you know, that horrible feeling you have and can’t wait for it to pass after visiting the dentist and getting a shot of Novocaine. To say I was unprepared for the latest bad news is an understatement. Now, I had a brain tumor too.

    Once I received treatment, I thought, I can live with the facial numbness and an assortment of other horrible symptoms for JUST six months until I was “cured.” Six months.

    Well, I am now eight years into this journey that has taken away my peace, my hearing, my ability to function outside the home, my concentration, my way to be, and so much more!

    No, I wasn’t “cured.” And I will never be cured — I’ve embraced that now. In fact, over the years, my symptoms have morphed and worsen with age. For me there is really no relief unless I am sewing or sleeping with the help of my meds!

    Suffering with chronic migraine headaches and having a brain tumor are killjoys for sure! But they have gifted me one thing: They are proof that I am so much stronger than I thought.

    I am having a particularly difficult and low month! Thanks for the reminder of my strength today!

    1. Anita Morris

      Janine, you have completely floored me. With everything you’re enduring, to still be able to STAND, in your pain, and say “THEY have gifted you…” and “They are proof that I am so much stronger than I thought,” is evidence that our trials truly do grow us. Wow! I have chills to my core. Thank you so much for sharing your story and blessing my heart. You have encouraged me even further. I pray earnestly for you this evening.

  20. Stephanie

    What a powerful message! And right on time for me…time for me to saddle up and ‘git to doin’ what I’ve been called to do!

  21. Tree

    AMEN!!! #cemostrong

  22. Kelly Cook

    Beautiful outfit and message! Thanks for sharing !!!

  23. Peggy Johnson

    Hi Anita. Such an inspiration, but little do you know you’ve been speaking by inspiring and encouraging all along. The time has come (God’s timing of course) for you to move to another level so He has opened your eyes to see and your ears to hear Him so that you will know that it’s Him that’s calling you. You have my prayers but this is Jesus directed and Jesus led so you will not fail. Thanks so much for allowing Jesus to lead you to what He have not only for you but for those He’s directing you to so that He will be glorified. In Jesus name!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Peggy, yes! Thank you so much for this godly encouragement. I’m humbled and in awe. Yes, when He’s in control, it can only prosper.

  24. Lesa G

    This awesome and sooooo inspiring. I’m going to print it so I can have it when tragedy and grief comes. Thanks for being wonderful and always sharing with us. I will continue to pray for you amd your family. God has a plan. Be blessed.

  25. Sue

    Beautiful lady, beautiful outfit and beautiful message. Your precious Cemo is very proud of you!!

  26. Deborah

    Thanks for sharing that Anita. I too am striving to be an overcomer! Your way of sharing your testimony is wonderful and so helpful.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Deborh! Keep moving forward, sister. Speak the word, take the steps and move to action. You’ve got this!

  27. Latonya

    Loved the message you shared and you look beautiful as always. What an inspiration!


    Nicely done and from the heart. I had to overcome a few things in my life and it has made me a stronger person. You are a true inspiration!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Eileen! Congratulations on overcoming.

  29. Marie

    I just love you. The very first time I read your blog you reminded me so much of Jacqueline Kennedy and you still do. The way you dress just says classy and now that I have just finished reading this article, I stand by my words, yep, you are one classy lady.
    Your words couldn’t have come at a better time. A few minutes ago I asked God why, but then I just said to him give me the strength to go through. Thank you for these words classy lady, may God take you places you thought only your heart could go. Have a great and blessed day

    1. Anita Morris

      OooWeee! Marie, you just made me smile from the heart. I’m so glad you were able to read this post. We never really get the answer to our “why” questions, which is why I never once asked God, “Why my husband?” You were so wise to flip it and pray for strength. Pay attention to what’s going on around you and you go through. Even the smallest details. He’s so present. All we have to do is slow down and pay attention. It really is incredible when you see Him in a whole new way as a result of your trial. Be blessed, my sister.

  30. LaToria

    You look FANTASTIC!!! Congratulations on on your first speaking event. I know you did great.

  31. Dara

    Anita, you ALWAYS have a BEAUTIFUL MESSAGE to accompany your BEAUTIFUL OUTFIT! GOD BLESS you in your new ENDEAVOR!! Your GIFT goes FAR BEYOND SEWING!

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooohhh, thank you so much Dara!

  32. Oneika Brown

    Ms Anita, Ms. Anita, you are such a living testimony! This blog message was so thoughtful, inspiring, and empowering. Thank you for sharing yourself to include your grief and growth. Your journey is a true inspiration and I know that you are doing it utimately for God, then yourself, but all of it spills over to us that are getting the priviledge to get a peek into your life. I speak this into the atmosphere and pray that one day I get to meet you in person at a sewing conference. Your spirit is so sweet and it comes through in your blog. I’m so proud to be a sister in the faith with you and a sister in sewing with you. Yes, you are an OVERCOMER!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Oneika! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I’m gonna join you in speaking that we will meet in person one day. Blessings to you my sew sister in Christ.

  33. Diane G

    Fabulous thoughtful words, fabulous outfit, fabulous lady!

  34. Ayo

    Anita, your strength, faith and courage in the face of one of life’s most devastating trials is awe inspiring. The good Lord will do great exploits through you!! Kudos to you for facing one of your fears (public speaking, and it’s mine too 🙂 ) and doing marvelously well at it!!! May God’s mercy and love continue to surround you and your sons while upholding you always. Thank you for always being such a positive influence.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much Ayo! I really appreciate your encouragement and blessing.

  35. Erica Bunker

    Beautiful outfit and beautiful message! I’m so happy you’re healing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much Erica! I really appreciate your support.

  36. Michelle T

    Yes, you are an overcome and GOd is with you every step of the way. Thank you for sharing your story. May you continue to walk in the fullness of all that God has for you. God bless you and yours.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Michelle. God bless you and yours too.

  37. Tanya B

    You are one beautiful and strong woman. Your outfit screams success. I recently (3/3/19) lost my husband unexpectedly. Although we were separated it hurts just the same. We were married for 23 years. I too would like to be an overcomer. I’m not going to rush the grieving process but I know I can’t stay stuck. Getting my sewjo back will definitely help. Thanks for sharing your story.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh my dear Tanya! How I wish I could be there to sit with you and hold your hand. I’m so very sorry to hear about your husband. It’s a pain that can’t be described. Yes, take your time–don’t rush. It’s truly a process and you will get through in your own time. You ARE an overcomer. Believe it and take the necessary steps to live in it. If you have access to a Grief Support Group, I would highly recommend checking it out. I attended GriefShare in my town and it was a great help. Here’s the link to see if there is a group that meets near you.,

      I pray for you, sister.

  38. Vicki Gainous

    Beautiful, classy, and tasteful as always. Anita, you keep doing you because Yah’s grace is expressed through you. He makes beauty out of our ashes.

    1. Anita Morris

      Amen Vicki! Yes, He does! Thank you.

  39. Rosalind D.

    Hi Anita, this article was very gratifying. Amazing information about Toastmaster. We have a Toastmaster class at my job. Continue to be positive, God will continue to strengthen you! Thanks for sharing your talent & knowledge.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Rosalind! Staying positive.

  40. Cinda

    Bravo! Love this post!

  41. Joanie

    Thanks Anita! You are indeed an encouragement to me! I needed to hear what you had to say! God created women to speak up!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you for your encouragement Joanie! Yes, He has given us voices.

  42. Kat Dickinson

    I could not have said it better myself! What an awesome woman you are Anita, and you look absolutely gorgeous in your outfit! I love the last three words of your post…I’m an overcomer! I am too but you say it so much better than me! And what handsome sons you have too!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Kat! Thank you. From one overcomer to another, You Go Girl!!!

  43. Alejandra Bautista

    Yes let go of the things we can’t control and let God handle it! I love that blouse and the word you use to describe it slinky. I used the same word at a school event to describe a tablecloth and someone looked at me like I was crazy..?

    1. Anita Morris

      Yep! He’s in control!

      LOL! Maybe they didn’t understand what you meant. Hahaha!

  44. Lisa Finley

    So very true! You look like you are ready fo kill it and I’m sure you will! Your outfit is beautiful and it goes with your beautiful personality!!!

  45. Florence

    Wow, Ms. Anita! This post was right on time. I am full but I’ll be brief. You do look the part. My Daddy would always tell us, “When you look good, you feel good!” and I found it to be true over the years. If the words you speak have the same impact as the words you pen/type, watch out world! Thank you for sharing and know that it is because you are continuing to walk in your design, that your gift will make room for you and God will continue to shine through and all over you. I pray for your endeavors to be successful and I look forward for one day having the opportunity to hear you speak. God bless you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Florence, thank you so much for your encouragement. I love to write and my writing far exceeds my speaking. However, my desire is that the two will meet and marry, that I may be able to convey my heart through speech as I do with the pen.

  46. Marica

    You rock Ms. ANITA!! LOVE the message you shared.

  47. Yokque Nzingha

    Amen!!! And you are absolutely beautiful!!!

  48. Deborah Hill

    Congratulations on your journey Anita.. I rarely comment, however you often leave remarks that resonates to your audience.
    Love the outfit & you look FABULOUS.
    I too am a Toastmasters member here in my area, a CC, and a Area E1 speech Contest winner. Turn your testimonies into your speeches and you will soar..I’ve included our TM 2018, International Speech Contest winner “Still Standing “.. for your viewing.

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooooohhhh, Deborah!!!!!! Thank you so much for commenting and sharing. I jumped right in, watching everyone and taking on roles in our weekly meetings. I’ve attended three Area A contests, helped host the Division A Contest, and just registered yesterday to attend the District 33 Contest. I find it fascinating watching others speak. I’m learning as I watch.

      Congratulations on your win. I look forward to watching the video you sent. Thanks again.

  49. Sylvia Gaxiola

    Beautiful Anita!
    You are such an inspiration in my life.
    Always know that God is using you in my life. Love you! ♥️

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Sylvia! Thank you so much, sister. Much love!

  50. Janet Duffy

    You look fantastic in this outfit. You are a leader and an inspiration for me and many others, I am sure.

  51. Nateida

    Anita, I absolutely LOVE this outfit. The fabric, color choices, accessorizing ALL PERFECT as usual. However, what I LOVE the most is answering your call! It is and was very clear to me you have a powerful message that can and will help so many. I saw it as you shared your husband’s journey. God shined through you immensely and he will be with you as you step into your assignment, speaking ministry. I believe that!!! Love you always.

    1. Anita Morris

      Nateida, my sister, thank you so much for your encouragement. He has shown me who He is in a way I’ve never experienced before. I’m in awe!

      1. TFIVY

        Wonderful message! Yes…I will Pray for you as you continue your portion in The Great Commission… You’ve actually been speaking for a while in word and in deed… You have a beautiful way of expressing yourself based on what I’ve read AND of course by the DIY selections you bring to life! Be strong steadfast immovable… Be obedient… Be BLESSED!!

        1. Anita Morris

          Thank you so much Tfivy! “STRONG, STEADFAST, IMMOVABLE, OBEDIENT, BLESSED!” Yes, All of that. You be blessed too.

  52. Gwendolyn Styles

    Anita! That was right on time. I am the caregiver to my aging mother and my husband . He’s been diagnosed with progressive brain loss. This is the side effect of chemo and radiation for brain cancer. I understand what you went through while you cared for your husband. Thanks for this message that you sent today. May God bless you. And I know you did an amazing job with your speech, just as you do with your sewing. You look fantastic!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Gwendolyn, my heart just sunk! Oh, my sister, I’m so very sorry to hear this. Please know that my prayers are with you right now. You’ve got a lot on your plate right now, having to care for two loved ones. I know how intense it is to care for one. I pray that you will feel God’s presence with you, Gwendolyn. He will sustain you, my sister. No matter how difficult it may seem, He will give you the strength you need for each day to carry out the tasks that are before you. I sure hope you have some help. I’m so here for you if you ever need someone to talk to. My heart and prayers are with you.

  53. Jean

    What a beautiful way to start my day – reading this and feeling power through your words and encouragement to others. The depth of your emotion shines through. Thank you.

    On a side note…I admit to minutely checking out each outfit that you post. I am in awe of how well everything fits. I am currently trying to figure out how to alter patterns for a large bust, narrow shoulders. If I get the pattern size to fit the bust, it falls off the shoulder. I want to attain your fit! I am a fledgling sewist and your blog is a go-to for figuring things out. Again…thank you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much Jean. Tip: buy your pattern to fit the shoulders. It’s much easier to adjust for a full bust. Check out Nancy Zieman’s book, Fitting with Confidence. She teaches a concept called, “Right Size Pattern.” This is where you buy your pattern based on your measurement across the upper chest, from arm pit to arm pit. After trying her method, I’ve never had another gapping neckline on a bodice. Now granted, you may have to make armhole and full bust adjustment. But I’d much rather take the time to get the fit right than walking around with the gapping, or in your case, slouchy shoulders. I also discussed this in one of the videos in my Beginner’s Sewing Course on YouTube. I can’t remember which video though. LOL!

      I’m still learning fit too, Jean. It’s an ongoing process. I’m working on a pair of pants right now that I’ve had to make two muslins (practice garments) for. I HATE making muslins but sometimes you just have to take the extra time to get the results you want.

      I have yet to conquer jeans, but they’re coming. I will not be defeated. LOL! You have a great day.

  54. Rema Jones

    Toastmasters is an excellent choice to help build your listening, speaking and leadership skills. I am a Distinguished Toastmaster and proud of it! Stick with it and enjoy the journey. I’m excited for you and I love the outfit!!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooohhh, Rema, that’s great to hear. Thank you so much for your encouragement. I need LOTS of practice with listening. I believe that’s my biggest challenge at this point.. The Table Topics are a huge challenge for me too and I’m so thrilled to have impromptu speaking opportunities for practice.

  55. Sheila

    Dear Anita,

    Thank you. I am so sorry for the loss of your dear spouse. I am sure than many will be inspired to try again in their challenges because you shared your faith and spunk in this remarkable blog post. BTW I love your outfit too. All the best, Sheila

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much, dear Sheila.

  56. Lillian Grant

    What pattern is the red dress? And thank you for giving us so much of you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Lillian. What red dress are you referring to?

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