Well, well, well! The day has finally come! I recorded my very first Sew-Along Video – ALL BY MYSELF!!! This is a BIG deal! My husband created beautiful videos for my YouTube channel and I knew very little about using the cameras. I always heard him say words like; “Depth of Field, ISO, Aperture Value, F-Stop, and such. I learned what these words meant, but had no idea how to set the camera for all these to work together in creating a quality video.

Then I decided to take the advice from every YouTube video I’ve watched, and that which a couple of friends have given me. I started practicing. Oh My Goodness! What in the world was I thinking? I know! I was thinking that I’ll never be able to create videos like my husband, so I procrastinated.
A mindset shift had to take place and it only happened after I took one step to apply myself to the learning I was receiving. As I began to practice, things started falling into place and making more sense.

I still have a lot to learn, but I BELIEVE now! I believe I can do this and do it well. I’m gonna brag and say, “I did a GREAT job for my first try.” It took forever and there were obstacles I had to overcome, but I kept going. Even when I broke my card reader in the middle of recording, I didn’t give up. I took myself to the store, purchased another one and got back to work. I’m pretty sure I created some new positions with the tripod, never before attempted. Hahaha!!!

Without further ado, I give you my first Sew-Along Video, How to Sew A Sweater Knit Tunic + 7 Tips for Sewing with Knits. Click on photo.

Thanks for stopping by!
To see the first Sweater I made with this Simplicity 8738 pattern, check out THIS BLOG POST.
Remember: When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES!

Wonderful video. Where did you purchase the knit fabric. Thank you.
Hi Anita! Thank you so much for your video! It is awesome! You really did a great job! I am so happy that you didn’t give up! And I am sure that this is just the beginning ? I like patterns with low shoulder line, I think it makes them more interesting. This sweater looks great on you! ???
Yes, Dasha, this is just the beginning. I can’t wait to create more videos and learn along the way. Thank you.
Yayyy Ms. Anita!!! This makes me so happy! I’m headed over to watch you video right now!!! And I love this sweater!! I think I need to get a couple yards of this fabric!!
Yaaay Brittany! Thank you so much!
GOod morning Anita!
I just watched your sewalong. You did a good job of filming, and I’m so glad you’re getting back in the swing of things.
Thank you so much Gwendolyn!
Just yesterday I said to myself, I so want to learn to sew with knits and WALLAH!! Thank you for this. I can’t wait to get started. You’re doing a great job. I too am learning my camera (Exposure) it does take practice. I love your change in mindset. “Yes, you can”. :0)
Yeeesss! Michelle, I’m so glad the timing is great for you,. Have fun learning to work your camera. Yes, we can do it!
I watched the video first and girl you are back, Yay! So happy you are finding your way again. Great video and great looking sweater. I must get that pattern. Great post.
Ooohhh, thank you so much, Angie! I’m glad you liked the video.
You’re so cute! Haven’t watched the vid yet but I go thru my sewing phases and you’re my go-to gal for learning’!
I love wearing tunics sweaters with sweat pants that look more like lite-weight floaty trousers. I need a sweat pants tutorial is what i’m trying to say : )
Hahaha!!! I hear you, Melinda! Love that I’m your “go-to gal”
I watched it early this morning and it was well done and includes great sewing tips! Thanks for the amazon supply links at the end. Enjoy your day!!
Awesome! Thanks so much for the feedback.