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I have NOT been a fan of working with PDF Patterns. You can probably guess why, but just in case, it’s because I hate printing and assembling all those pages only to cut them apart again. Do you feel the same? Do you have experience with PDF Patterns or have you been avoiding them?

When I’m ready to sew, I want to get right to it. Having to make pattern alterations is time consuming enough, but add to that preparing the pattern too? Whew! I just can’t.

I’ve actually sewn a few PDF patterns over the last 4 years, but the others I’ve purchased are sitting in their digital resting places. I’ve avoided putting them together because I’m too impatient.

Independent Pattern Use Increases

However, I’ve seen a huge increase in the use of Indie patterns recently and there are some gorgeous designs available. So, I’m jumping on the party bus, getting my act together, and committing myself to sewing more Indie patterns.

While many Independent (Indie) Pattern Designers offer both PDF and paper copies of their patterns, some only have PDF’s. I’ve started compiling a list of Indie Patterns that I want to sew and some are only available as PDF’s. Nevertheless, I’m pretty excited to get started.

Working with PDF Patterns

There was a time when I had no idea how the whole PDF pattern process worked, so when I decided to sew my first one (years ago), I went to YouTube to learn how it works. I was a bit confused in the beginning because I wasn’t savvy about anything digital related. Hahaha! I figured it out eventually.

Now that I’m about to dive into this part of the sewing industry, I wanted to provide a very detailed tutorial on preparing the patterns for anyone who isn’t clear on how it works. Besides, I want you to be ready when I start dropping Sew-Alongs and Tutorials from PDF patterns.

Learn How to Prepare a PDF Pattern

There’s a new Video Tutorial on my YouTube channel with step-by-step instructions on how to prepare a PDF pattern for sewing. You will witness the entire process, beginning with ordering a PDF pattern from one of the Indie Pattern Companies online. Then you’ll learn two different methods for printing. After that, you’ll see three easy ways to cut a pattern that you’ve printed from home. Finally, you’ll walk along with me through the steps of assembling a PDF pattern.

If you’re new to working with PDF patterns, maybe you will be inspired to give it a try too after watching the Tutorial. Enjoy the video and happy sewing.

Click HERE to Watch Video

This Post Has 19 Comments

  1. Janet Tanner

    Please do a video on YouTube to explain how to order a PDPlotting.com. I saw how they were sent to you on your Instagram. But when I went to their website, the screen stayed black and all you get is a man talking. Please help. I have seen so many PDF patterns but I don’t know how to deal with them and I would rather that PDFplotting print my patterns out for me.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Janet! Please click the link above in the post. I did make a YouTube video on how to order at pdfplotting.com. I shared all the steps in great detail.

  2. CallMeSu

    I have quite a few pdf patterns…I enjoy the variety and the price but I don’t like the extra work. LOL My favorite PDF pattern to date is the MiMi G x Style Arc collaboration Maya dress. I recently printed and pieced together the Patterns For Pirates romper. I have to say I really didn’t care for the no-trim pattern. Once I’m done with that piece I think I’ll finally sew up my Ogden.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh, it’s so exciting to hear of so many working with PDF Patterns in the community. I’m really excited to get into this to see how I like it. I have my eyes on the Ogden Cami too. It’s a very popular pattern.

  3. Cindee

    Thanks for the PDF Class. I tried 2 PDF patterns and something went worn with both of them.

    1. Anita Morris

      You’re very welcome. I hope you will be successful with your next try.

  4. Lisa

    FYI. I’ve been using pdfplotting.com for awhile now to print out pdf patterns. Most indy patterns will have a copy shop file included with the print-at-home version. I wait until I have a few pdf patterns to print and then send them to pdf plotting. The service is super quick, they typically ship the same day and I receive my patterns rolled up in a tube in 2-3 days, easy breezy! 🙂 I also think it is good to know how to put a pdf pattern copy together – if you are a beginner – it helps you with knowing how patterns are constructed which will help you with garment construction and alterations.

    1. Cindee

      Hi Lisa, yes ….PDF Plotting sounds great.

    2. Anita Morris

      Yes, Lisa, you’re absolutely right. I share all this information in the video. I was so happy to learn about PDF Plotting. It’s a life saver for printing patterns.

  5. Sally B Elliott

    Hi, I love PDF patterns and use them all the time. However, I send them to https://www.pdfplotting.com/ and they send them back all on a large sheet. They have 2-3 day turnaround time. It adds to the price of the patterns, but it is worth it to me.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yep! I share that in the video. I’m so excited that I was introduced to pdf plotting. They are awesome. I can’t wait to order my first batch of patterns.

  6. Joanne

    I have down loaded pdfs still on PC, even bought some material for raglan jacket. Easy but monotonous to assemble pattern pieces, large table ideal. Then will it fit will it need altering? So looking forward to your PDF video. Atta-girl!

    1. Anita Morris

      I hear you Joanne. I’m so excited about working with PDF Patterns now.

    1. Anita Morris

      Come on Ray! We’ve got to level up! Hahahahaa!!!

  7. Lynn Wall

    Wonderful, I to have purchased some PDF Indie patterns this year. I can’t wait to get home a watch your tutorial cause it is a little scary taping the pattern. cause if you’re off a smidgen its throws off the whole pattern. Thank you

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Lynn! Yep! You have to be very precise about assembling the pieces. I hope you like the tutorial.

    2. CallMeSu

      This is exactly why I didn’t enjoy using the no-trim pattern from Patterns for Pirates. I can’t be sure if it was the printing or some other setting that needed to be adjusted but the pattern pieces did not come together seamlessly and now I’m worried that the make is gonna be wonky! Very frustrating after having piece 50+ sheets together.

      1. Anita Morris

        Wow! I didn’t even know there were no-trim patterns. Oh gosh, I don’t think I want to bother with that. Yeah, I would be totally frustrated working with 50 sheets.

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