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2017 First Quarter Sewing Projects

Hello everyone!  Easter Sunday is in four days.  I, along with many others, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ on this day.  I celebrate because I believe that He is the Son of God, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died by crucifixion, was buried, rose from the dead three days later, ascended into Heaven, is seated at the right hand of God, and will return one day to take all who believe into heaven to live with Him eternally.  This is my hope.  Do you believe?

My Easter Dress

I like to dress up for church, and like most, I take it up a notch on Easter Sunday.  I didn’t make myself an Easter dress this year.  Say WHAT!?  Yes, I will be wearing a dress that I made and wore to a wedding in January.  It is my favorite make so far and it’s perfect for Easter Sunday.  Here it is!  The green, scuba knit, retro piece by New Look 6000.

Retro-Style - Scuba Knit Dress

2017 First Quarter Sewing Projects

As we move into the 2nd Quarter of the year, I thought I would share with you my 2017 First Quarter Sewing Projects.  This is such a fun project because it gives a sense of great accomplishment.  It’s nice to see everything all together and I’ve made some great observations that will be very helpful in guiding my choices for 2nd Quarter Projects.


  • Types of garments sewn most = Dresses
  • Pattern brand used most = McCall’s
  • Types of fabrics used most = Knits


  • Add variety; more pants, tops, casual wear
  • Add more woven fabrics
  • Sew something for my husband and sons

Here’s a quick look at all 12 of my 1st Quarter makes.  Links provided at end of post.

2017 First Quarter Sewing Projects2017 First Quarter Sewing Projects1.  McCall’s 7562

2.  McCall’s 7567

3.  McCall’s 7566

4.  Simplicity 1562

5.  Butterick 5748

6. Vogue 1531

7.  Burda 7178

8.  Kelly Anorak

9.  McCall’s 7471

10.  New Look 6000

11.  Burda 6990 & New Look 6378

Thanks for stopping by!

Remember:  When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES!


Anita Morris

Anita is the Author of STEP Into It, Overcoming Trials That Lead To Purpose. She is also an Online Sewing Instructor for beginner sewists. She is passionate about helping women to step into their purpose by walking in the calling on their lives. She hosts a popular YouTube channel where she helps women to become confident in their sewing skills.

This Post Has 45 Comments

  1. Stacy-Ann

    Hi Anita,
    I am praying for your husbands recovery and strength during this difficult time. I really like the way you teach your videos and I just found you last week so I haven’t done any of the projects yet. I have done some sewing for my kids but I would like to see some kids clothes videos in the future. I recently bought some lovely fabric and ruined it trying to make a dress for my 5yr old. The collar and the gathering had me all confused. Hope to see back soon.

  2. Angela

    Hi Anita!

    I’m following you from Switzerland and just finished project #1 the circle skirt. It was my first time ever sewing anything. Made some mistakes but learned so much from you. I’m now going to do project #3. You’ve got me so excited about sewing now! I’m more of a pants girl, will you do a project for some easy sew pants for beginners?

    Keep the tutorials coming!
    Thank you for your hard work.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Angela! Thank you so much for following along and sewing with me. Congratulations on completing your first project. I wish you well on your next one. Pants tutorials are in the future. Stay with me.

      1. Angela

        Thank you so much! Can’t wait for the pants tutorial!

  3. Aniema

    Hi Anita, please is there a provision made for the pleates like an extension on that side of the pattern or something for the green retro dress( new look 6000) I cant get pstterns in Nigeria so I have to create my own. Thanks for your help.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Aniema! I responded to your question on the post about this dress. Here it is again:

      “That’s so awesome that you’ve been able to create your own patterns by looking at the dresses I’ve made. I would love to have that talent one day.
      The front pattern piece for this dress has an overage of fabric where the pleats are formed. I hope I can explain this properly. If you look at the front piece, one side has a regular straight side, but the other side where the pleat is has a portion that curves outward with points. So when you form the pleats that side straightens to match the other side. Hope this helps.”

      1. Aniema

        Yes it does! Thanks very much and may God grant you more wisdom.

  4. Diana Williams

    I ran across your YouTube channel tonight, looking forward to doing your Beginner’s courses, but thought I’d visit your website as well. Let me see if I can say this right…while i was viewing your Beginners class i wondered if you were a Christian. Why did I wonder that?? It’s like a vibe you give off I guess. Then I come to your website and find out that you are! What I’m trying to say is that somehow, God shines right through you and people can see it! Also, my daughter is 25, got saved a couple years ago, and one thing she is careful about is being dressed modest (sometimes i tease her that she looks amish – but when her hairdresser told her she thought my daughter WAS amish, my daughter has tried to be a little more stylish but still modest lol) Anyway, thank you for offering modest (below the knee, no cleavage) dresses. Can’t wait to try and make something for her

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooooh Diana, I wish you could feel the gratitude in my heart right now. Thank you so much for visiting and giving your feedback. My heart wants to honor God in the most natural way I can. Hearing you say that He’s shining through is all I need to hear. This is what motivates me to keep moving forward with the blogging. I know, with all my heart, that He has a purpose for this. Thank you my sister, for building me up. Have fun sewing for your daughter.

  5. Corynne

    Yes indeed we serve a risen Savior! Love you my sister. Continue to let your light shine. You are drawing all people to Him through your talent and gifts. May the Lord continue to richly bless you and all your hands touch. You are truly an inspiration!

    1. Anita Morris

      My dear Corynne! Don’t know how I missed your message, but thank you so much for encouraging me and your blessings. I receive it all and I love you too my sister. His richest blessings to you.

  6. Julia

    Happy Easter, Anita! Alleluia! I can’t believe it’s been a whole year! We all have learned so much from you! I really like all the projects you presented on “Learn to Sew” and the videos are THE BEST! The whole world is blessed with your grace and knowledge and your whole presentation, and I all look forward to seeing your future endeavors!

    1. Anita Morris

      Heeeey Julia! I can’t believe it either! Thanks so much for following and helping to encourage me as I go. You are so appreciated!

  7. chawwah

    shalom(peace)anita..this is what i believe because this is what scripture says. Yahoshua hamashiach( is the Name of the Son..s(it means Yah’s salvation,for He was sent to save His Name can be found in Mattew 1:21 and Zechariah 3:9,6:12 ) and yes He is the Son of Yah,who is the Creator and Father,His Name can be found in (psalms 68:4)Yahoshua was resurrected,however He didn’t die by crucifixion(acts 5:30) nor was it on Friday.(Matthew 12:40)Friday to Sunday doesn’t coincide with scripture.also when He returns for those who believe and have endured to the end,He won’t be taken believers to heaven to live but Yah and Yahoshua will dwell on earth with them.(revelation 21:2-5).Yah calls us to worship Him in spirit and truth(john 4:24) may the Father of all living increase your understanding.lastly if you and your subscribers are descendants of are The Children of Ysrayl(Israel) the Bible is your History.i admonish you all to do your own research..shalom(peace)

    1. Anita Morris

      Shalom Chawwah! Thanks for sharing your beliefs and engaging in conversation with me. Please don’t mistake my response as an attack on your beliefs. Here is Scripture from the Holy Bible to support my beliefs. I will only touch on the points that you seem to be in disagreement with.

      1) Name of Jesus: “Yeshua Hamashiach” is the Hebrew name for the Son of God. “Jesus Christ” is the Greek name for the Son of God. Whether you choose to use the name Yeshua or Jesus is not as important as the reason you call on the name. Jesus is not offended by who we call Him when our hearts are positioned to pray, worship and witness in His name. I’m not ashamed to worship in the name of Jesus because that’s His name in English, which is my language. I agree with you that Yeshua or Jesus means, “He saves” (Matt. 1:21) He’s also called Emmanuel, which means “God with us” (Matt. 1:23).

      2) Name of God: “YHWH” is the Hebrew name for the Creator. God is the Greek name for the Creator, and the name I use for Him in my English language. As I stated above, whether you choose to call Him Yah or God, the important matter is if your heart is in line with His will to be used for His glory. He is found by many names in scripture: Ex. 3:14, Matt. 6:9, Gen. 14:22, Gen. 17:1, to name just a few.

      3) Method of Death: According to the four gospels of the Holy Bible, Jesus was “crucified” along with two thieves on each side of Him. Please see the following scripture: Matt. 27:31, Matt. 27:35, Matt. 27:44, Mark 15:24-25, Mark 15:27, Luke 23:33, John 19:18, John 19:20, John 19:23 Yes, Acts 5:30 says Jesus was “hanged” on a tree. The definition of a crucifixion is a historical method of punishment where the victim is tied or nailed to a large wooden beam and left to hang until death from exhaustion or asphyxiation. Please don’t be confused with the word “hanged.” Perhaps you’re thinking of a hanging in which one is tied with a rope around the neck and dangles from a branch of a tree. No, that’s not what happened to Jesus. He was affixed to the tree with nails (stakes) in His hands and feet. If you take this one verse and say that Jesus was not “crucified,” then you discount all other scripture that says He was indeed crucified.

      4) Day of Crucifixion: There is much debate as to whether Jesus died on a Friday. As far as I know, there is no clear proclamation of the actual day of the week in scripture. What is clear though is, it says He rose from the dead three days later. Some believe that to be three 24 hour days, and some believe that to be part of Friday, all of Saturday, and part of Sunday (1 Cor. 15:3-4). I made no mention of the day that He died. What matters is the truth of scripture that says He died and rose. Because of this, we who believe have eternal life.

      5) With Him in Heaven: This is a picky one. Yeah, I understand that Heaven will be on earth and we will be gathered together with Him, not floating away to some magical place. John 14:3 says that He is preparing a place for us and will come again to “receive” (take) us unto Himself, that where He is, we will be also. Perhaps my wording could lead one to believe something contrary to what scripture teaches in regards to heaven, so for that I thank you for pointing this out. I will be more careful in the future.

      In closing, you are absolutely correct in saying that we must worship Him in spirit and truth. I believe the gospel I shared here is TRUTH, and supported in Holy Scriptures. Our understanding increases as we come to KNOW Him and OBEY His word. When we know Him as He presents Himself in His Word, we are not tripped up when others question our faith, our beliefs.

      In response to your last statement about me and my subscribers being descendants of slaves: We all, including you, are descendants of slaves (slaves to sin). After the first sin by Adam, we all inherited it. So, by nature, we are all sinners in need of God’s grace. Those who choose to believe in Jesus Christ are Children of God (John 1:12).

      Yes, the Bible is my history and I am in agreement that everyone should examine the scriptures to see if the teachings they are receiving are true (Acts 17:11). This too is in line with scripture.

      Shalom, Chawwah

      1. Vienna N

        This is a fantastic response, Anita I am agnostic but lately I have been seeing signs of Jesus everywhere I go (really really crazy situations that seem impossibly coincidental). Of course finding you on YouTube and following your channels are yet more reasons to believe.

        I have been asking God to prove himself to me several times in the last few weeks and almost instantly there were responses IE church bells tolling right next to me, a Christian woman helping me with my car problems, finding a cross in one of my gifts from a friend. It’s really scary how some of my circumstances come together.

        Anyway, I was raised without religion but my parents used to make me watch films with religious over-tones because it was their way of reinforcing a moral compass on their kids ie be good to your neighbors, love your enemies, never steal, never cheat, etc and I grew up understanding those values but I’ve never realized where it all comes from.

        Sometimes I watch your videos and I find myself muttering your catch phrase to myself without realizing it, and more and more I find it meaningful to me. I think most people make religion scary but you’ve really helped me understand my own personal relationship with it.

        You’re definitely a great example of your faith and you’ve manage to create both leaders and followers in both your craft and your beliefs. Thanks for enlightening those of us that are still finding our way!

        1. Anita Morris

          Hi Vienna!

          My heart is so full right now from reading your response. God is igniting your heart because no one seeks Him without His prompting. His Word says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.” (Jeremiah 29:13) He’s using His people to plant seeds to draw you to Him. It’s not coincidence, but His plan.

          Please allow me to offer a word of advice to you, my sister. Forget about religion. Some view religion as a set of rules to be followed in order to gain salvation or relationship with Jesus. Religion gets people all tripped up and renders some confused and insecure. What God has to offer you is His son Jesus. He is a person. Get to know Him. Don’t worry about rules and what people tell you needs to be done to be religious. You can’t earn your salvation, and trying to do so leads to burnout. Just get to know Jesus through reading the Bible. As you get to know Him, He will open up your understanding and guide you along the way. Everything else falls into place as it should as you spend time getting to know Him. In the Bible, Jesus says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” (Revelation 3:20) He’s knocking at the door of your heart Vienna. When you let Him in, He will teach you as you get to know Him.

          If you ever have questions or want to talk in private, you can send me a message through this blog on the contact page.

          Peace to you Vienna!

  8. Sharon

    Your styling and choices are goergeous as are you shining in your life..happy Easter and thankyou for sharing with our community..I love your blog ?

  9. letgo-n-letgod

    Great choice on the dress for Easter! I thought it would be #5 but your choice is awesome! Hope you have a Blessed Easter

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much! Yes, #5 would be perfect for Easter too.

  10. Christina

    Anita, I am new to sewing. I am using it to help me heal through a recent illness. I am so thankful for your blog and videos. It’s amazing to see a strong woman in Christ be a teacher for me over miles away. Thank you!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooooh Christina! Hey sister! I’m so glad you found me and happy to hear the blog and videos are helpful. You’re very welcome!

  11. Wendy Beadel

    Hi Anita, I am thrilled to finally see your website. I have shared it with my niece who is beginning to sew. You have me inspired to begin sewing again. Anita you are a testimony of a life dedicated to a Great God who wants to live through us to bless others. A very happy Easter as you bring joy to all who see you in your beautiful green dress on Easter Sunday.

    1. Anita Morris

      Wendyyyyyyyy! Oh gosh, It’s so nice to see you here. Thank you so much for sharing and how awesome that you’re inspired to sew again. I’m having a blast and so amazed at how God is using my passion. Have a Happy Easter, Wendy! I miss you guys like crazy!

  12. Cennetta

    Beautful collection of outfit. Live your style and creative work.

    1. Cennetta

      Oops.., fat figures love your style and creative work.

    2. Anita Morris

      Hey Cennetta! Thank you so much sew sister!

  13. Peggy

    ? Hi Anita, yes I believe in the death, burial and resurrection of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and serve Him as humble as I can. He is worthy because of His Agape love shown by way of the cross and He continues to show that love everyday. Hallelujah Jesus!! Thank you for the beautiful snapshots of your talent. This is like jumper cables firing me up to finish the tutorials so I can start on 2017. Class is still in session for me but it’s ok because I’m loving it. Happy Resurrection Day!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome Peggy! Thank you for your feedback! Happy Resurrection Day! Take your time in class.

  14. Deborah Hill

    Fabulous Anita, and I do believe. That green will shine bright on Easter Sunday (like your smile). The green is also a reflection of a lot of things: the grass around the manger in which he was born, green also represents “freedom”, some say “finances/money”, energy, growth, & harmony, which is what you bring us here with the sew sistas.. Enjoy your resurrection day.

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome observation Deborah! Thank you so much! You enjoy your Resurrection Day too!

  15. Lindy

    Anita, I just recently started following your Youtube videos. You are a GREAT teacher! And that green dress! Stunning!!! Happy Easter!

  16. Vienna N

    Pretty pretty please do a tutorial on that Green Dress!!! IT is just fabulous and gorgeous on you! Also, I am looking forward to your Easter photos. Thanks again. =]

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Vienna! I will probably do a tutorial on the green dress. Not sure when but it’s a popular one.

  17. Delawa

    Thank you for your sharing! The WOG says that your gift will make room for you! Please continue to allow your God Gift to shine through your sharing.

    Greatly appreciated, looking forward to 2nd quarter!

  18. Ray

    You are amazing.I have been sewing b4 I found ur blog and I am still learning from you. Since I started following you all d compliments are did you still make that?. Styles are cute and gorgeous. I come out more professional. Like I always say, you are a good teacher and a great mentor. Keep ur good work. May God take u and us to our greatest height.luv u sist

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much Ray! God bless you!

  19. Rochelle


    Great post! Just a quick question what program do you use to add text to your photos, if you don’t mind me asking?

  20. Laura

    Thank you so much Anita for your posts and for honoring Jesus with your life! You have been busy this quarter! I am excited to see what comes next.

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