Today’s blog post is in memory of my husband, Cecil Morris. To simply say that I miss him would be a gross understatement. His presence was certainly a light in our family. He was truly loved by all who knew him. I can still hear that infectious laugh that drew you into his joy. Anyone who ever heard CEMO laugh would burst into laughter along with him.
As the boys and I move forward, we keep his memory and the lessons he left with us close to our hearts. We are better because of the time God allowed us to have with him. I’ve linked a video of his life below.
This past weekend, our dear friends hosted an event called, CEMO Jazz! It was jazz concert in honor and memory of Cecil, held at the African American Firefighter Museum. He loved jazz and funk music, so they hired a couple of bands and we gathered to enjoy the music, eat, laugh, and dance. Yes, I danced and remembered the times we shared the dance floor together.
CEMO Jazz was a beautiful reminder of how much my husband was loved and how God continues to love me and the boys through the people He has placed in our lives. I’ve included a few of the pictures from the event (courtesy of our Fire Brother, Darnell Wade).
I will close today by saying THANK YOU! You’ve been an amazing support to our family over this past year. I feel abundantly blessed.

Thanks for stopping by!


Hi Anita. I just discovered you today while randomly searching YouTube for sewing projects. I’m a professional seamstress and I find you videos very informative and inspiring! I love your smile! Your positive and uplifting attitude! And you are a great teacher! I binge watch your channel while I’m doing my sewing projects! Thank you so much for being an inspiration!
Oh my goodness, Vickie! That is a HUGE compliment coming from a professional. Thank you so much for watching my videos and leaving such a beautiful comment here. I really appreciate it.
Hi Anita! Thank you for shining through the videos, I’m a seamstress myself and have sewn for many years. Now my adult daughter has been taking an interest in sewing and I’m finding it difficult to teach her. Your videos has been so helpful to teach her, and I just love to watch and see different ways to do sew. You are such a bright sunshine and I feel so blessed to have found your channel. You are a true inspiration!
It was through that I heard the news about your husband and the loss your family has been through and my prayers go out to you and your family. Your husband is waiting for you and your sons in the presence of our Lords divine love.
Thank you for continuing whit your blog and YouTube channel and giving others including me the inspiration to shine in my design so that our lord can use me in the way he has planned.
Love and prayers from me in Sweden and blessings to you all.
Hi, Anita! I just found you online, looking for a video I could easily follow to make a vest. I recently retired from teaching and took up sewing as a hobby (much needed). I was so happy to find someone who could explain everything so well!! A real teacher!! I loved the vest you showed as sample and the one you were making for your husband. I thought that eas awesome to be able to make clothes fir tour hubby as well!! Loved it!! Today I come back for part 2 of the tutorial to find out about your husband’s passing!! My Lord! How sad!! May He always give you strength to continue your journey with your sons. I will follow you through your blog and tutorials, and I will learn to sew!! Thank you, Anita!! You have a follower in Puerto Rico ??
OMGoodness, Silma! Thank you so much, my sister. I really appreciate you for sending blessing to me and my sons. We’re taking it one day at a time, and God is definitely helping us through this journey.
Congratulations on your recent retirement! You must be so very excited! I’m really glad to hear you’re learning to sew. I absolutely love it. Welcome to the sewing community. There will be more videos coming soon.
Dear Anita
You are such a beautiful woman and have inspired me for the past couple of years to sew T-shirt dresses for relatives and needy little girls . I went to your website today and was so sad to see the passing of your husband . God bless and comfort you and yours.
You see, I have a sewing question if you could spare the time. My friend is a missionary in Honduras and she knows of a beautiful 12 year old girl there who’s confined to a wheelchair with spina bifida. I bought some nice seersucker fabric and a white t shirt size 14 to sew her a t shirt dress .
My question is how far down should I cut the T-shirt? She has no dresses so I want this to be special for her.
Thank you for your time. You inspire so many including me!
God bless
Thank you, Bernice. It would be impossible for me to give you an answer without knowing her measurements. Perhaps you can just use the same technique shown in the video and cut off the same amount from the bottom of the shirt. Or you could get her measurement from back of neck to below the waist.
A beautiful tribute and memorial Anita. My heart and prayers go out to you and your boys.
Thank you Cheryl!
Powerful!…you have a testimony of true love and it reflects in these photos…your’re always so poised and put together in your photos…I noticed CEMO used to be your photographer and that’s got to be tuff…but gurrrllll I lift you up in prayer and feel as though we are family….simply by following your story…KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK….may God continue to bless you!
Thank you so much sister! He was a great photographer and I’m learning to do it myself.
What a lovely tribute and how great to gather with friends and family to celebrate the joy your loved one has brought. I am sorry for your loss.
Thank you Sara!
Susan, I’m sorry to hear about your brother’s condition. I pray for him and your family.
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You are such an inspiration.
May God continue to comfort and strengthen you and your family.
Thank you Sherry
What a beautiful celebration of life! You looked absolutely stunning! I am so sorry for your loss! Born on Christmas and passed on the same Month and date as my son! 4/17/2001 Eighteen years ago! He was only 27 years old! Pray for me as my heart is heavy! Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh Patricia! I’m praying for you right now, sister. I’m so sorry to hear about your son. Sending my love.
Beautiful event and you looked beautiful too. I was in tears, love you!
Thank you so much Larhonda!
Hello Anita,
My husband passed away unexpectly on June 22, 2018 and my mother September 11, 2018 . I still cannot believe my husband is gone! I to have 2 sons (13 and 17). It has been hard, but God has been our shield. I will continue to pray for you and your sons.
Oh Kellie, I’m so sorry to hear this. My heart aches for you and the boys. I know the journey you’re on now. Just hold on sister. One day at a time. Please know that my heart and prayers are with you to now. God’s blessings and provision for you and your sons today and always. I’m here if you ever need someone to talk to.
It’s so good to see you enjoying yourself Anita! And my gosh you look fantastic! The video with all of the friends and family was so nice. You can see the Cemo was really loved. God bless you and your family.
Ohh!, I see my cousin Angie’s husband, Archie was there to join in on the celebration also! And Anita thanks for reaching out to offer me your ear, if I need to talk.
Hey Gwendolyn! It was really beautiful. Yes, Angie told me you guys are cousins. Angie and Kim were there too. I’m here for you.
Anita, It is SO WONDERFUL to have had SUCH a WONDERFUL and CARING HUSBAND in your life. May GOD continue to surround your family with HIS Love!
I’m inspired at the love that has been poured out to your family. It’s obvious the influence your husband had in the lives of these people! It speaks volumes! ? How precious it is to be remembered in such a way. GIVE HONOR WHERE HONOR IS DUE! Many blessings to you.
Yeas, Caroll, he made a huge impact on the lives of so many. We are blessed indeed.
Thank you Dara!
A beautiful tribute.
Thank you Kaija!
Hey Anita and I pray all is well. God is Faithful. Thank you for sharing your loving memories with Us. You look absolutely Beautiful and Stunning in your dress. Great picture and looks like lots of love and happiness. Take Care ?
Thank you Lelinda!
very nice memories of your husband Cecil. May he Rest In Peace and Rise Again In Glory. You and your boys have got great and bless support from your family and friends. God’s Blessings Always ??
Thank you so much, Dinny! Yes, they have walked this journey with us with the most amazing support I’ve ever experienced.
You do positively shine, Anita! Hard to imagine from reading your blog that it has already been a year since CEMO went to his reward. Thank you for sharing this.
Hi Sue! Thank you for saying that. It’s that Jesus Glow! May it be so! Yes, I still can’t believe it’s been a year already. For me, it seems like this just happened.