Do you ever make dresses specifically for lounging around the house? When I first saw the Zoey Tank Dress by True Bias, that wasn’t my idea. However, when I finished this first version with the Animal Print, Brushed Poly Knit fabric, the comfort just made me want to sit down, read a book, and have a cup of tea. Therefore, this is what I call my “House Dress.”

If you’ve never heard of a house dress, it used to be a “thing” back in the day. I remember my grandmother wearing house dresses but they looked more like gowns. Seeing her wear the house dress made me feel comfortable and I don’t know why. Maybe it’s because I knew we would be staying in the house and spending time with her alone. Anyway, maybe one day when I get grandchildren, they will feel comfortable with me wearing my house dress when they come to visit.



The Zoey Tank Pattern is a simple sew and comes with three options. You can sew a crop tank, regular tank, or tank dress. There are only 5 pattern pieces needed to complete the garment. The company rates the required skill level as “Confident Beginner” and I absolutely agree. In fact, that was my rating before I went to see their recommendation. It’s available in PDF form and I had mine printed at PDF Plotting. They have amazing service.

Image shared with permission from Kelli at True Bias.
Image shared with permission from Kelli at True Bias.
Image shared with permission from Kelli at True Bias.

If you need assistance sewing the Zoey Tank, there is a SEW ALONG PLAYLIST on YouTube. Kelli, the founder of True Bias, does a great job walking you through all the steps to create the tank. The videos are broken down into 4 days, making it easy to work through your project in manageable steps.I

Image shared with permission from Kelli at True Bias.

If you prefer written instructions, there is also a sew along on the True Bias website. There are six posts, with close up photos, to help you prepare and sew the garment. Both Sew Alongs offer complete instructions on constructing the cross-over straps, which is actually what I love most about the dress. I’m a HUGE fan of Fit & Flare dresses, but this strap detail really did it for me. One adjustment I plan to make on the next one is shorten the shoulder straps. I meant to do that on the second version but I forgot. 

Image shared with permission from Kelli at True Bias.
Image shared with permission from Kelli at True Bias.

Fabric Options

The fabric recommendations on the pattern are: medium weight knit fabrics with 25% or more stretch and good recovery, such as: cotton/spandex blends, T-shirt jersey, and rib knits. I used Brushed Poly Knit for both versions that I made. I purchased the  Animal Print Brushed Poly Knit from JoAnn Fabrics. The Floral Brushed Poly Knit that you will see below is from LA Finch Fabrics.


I lengthened the dress on the floral version and eliminated the center front seam. I didn’t want to disturb the fabric print on the front but left the center back seam. I simply arranged the front pattern piece by extending it past the fold the amount of the seam allowance. I also bypassed the v-neck on this one by skipping the step of sewing the stitch at the center front neckband. You could do the same with the back if you’re using a beautiful print fabric and don’t want to cut through the design. I may sew another one with a solid color and eliminate the center front seam also.


Styling Options

My idea for both dresses was casual looks. While the house dress is worn mostly at home, I’ve also taken trips to the grocery store and ran other errands with her. Although I’ve worn the floral maxi for lounging too, I made it to wear out to places where I want to look cute and casual.

Styling Option #1

I styled the house dress with a head wrap. It’s actually a piece of leftover fabric that I wrapped around my head and tied in a bow. To give it a little extra, I added my “Jesus Rules” pin at the center of the bow. I think it’s so cute. I love looking cute for myself. It really makes me feel good. I don’t have to go anywhere to put on make-up, a cute dress, and jewelry. I do it for me. What about you? Do you ever make yourself pretty just to be at home?


Another thing I like to do is pamper myself with simple things. I actually sit in the recliner in my sewing studio with my tea cart and a book. And, YES, I have read my own book several times. Hahaha!!! If you haven’t read it yet, you should really get a copy for you and a friend because it’s a very helpful resource for anyone, whether you’re going through trials in your life or not. You can find it on AMAZON. It’s called “STEP Into It, Overcoming Trials that Lead to Purpose.”

Styling Option #2

I styled the floral Zoey with a big floppy hat and bag that I got from Jamaica several years ago on a trip with my husband. I couldn’t decide if I liked it more with the white hat or the yellow hat. What do you think? It looks just as cute without the hat.


How would you wear the dress?

Would you sew this pattern? If so, which view would you choose to make and how would you style it? I plan to make the regular tank view one day. Leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.


Thanks for stopping by,

Remember: When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES! 

Don't Forget your Sewing Project Checklist

Did you know that I created a Sewing Project Checklist to help you stay organized while sewing your garments? If you missed the video where I shared 3 Steps to Time Saving Sewing for Beginners, check it out to learn how you can streamline your sewing process. Tap the box below to get a Free PDF copy of the Checklist.


We had an absolutely amazing time at my 2nd QTR Tea Time Live last Saturday. If you missed it Live, you can still watch the REPLAY! There were lots of great questions answered, amazing giveaways and SEW Sister bonding in the chat. Tap the button below to WATCH THE REPLAY.

Links to Products, Posts & Tutorials

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This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Stacie

    My grandma always had house dresses, but they were the billowy, button up, cotton kind. I really love this pattern! It’s completely my style, and it looks so very comfortable in both formats. Thank you for the links and the great post. I always enjoy your newsletters and your style has elements that are similar to mine, so the patterns you choose always appeal. It’s inspired me to sew more, especially apparel. I look forward to your next update! God’s blessings to you and yours. 🙂

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Stacie! Yes, my grandmother’s house dresses were the button up, cotton kind too. I’m so glad to hear that you’re enjoying the blog posts and are inspired to sew more apparel. I’m very happy to have you here.

  2. Sheila

    I remember the house dresses my mom used to wear them. They were very different from the styles we wear now.
    I love the floral print dress and the long length. It has a sort of classy look. I am kind of new at sewing and never have made an dress but definitely going to attempt it. Thank you so much for being so Inspiring.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Sheila! I love maxi length dresses the most. They’re just really comfortable to wear. Have fun sewing your dress.

  3. Anita P.

    I like that fabric you used on the “out of the house” dress. SO CUTE! I think if I were to make it, I’d cut it tunic length and style it with legging, as that’s my go-to style that shows off my curves while covering up my less than flattering attributes! (LOL)

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Anita! I love the idea of a tunic length to wear with leggings. And, yes, the floral fabric is a winner.

  4. De

    These “house dresses” are so fashionable. I remember the senior ladies in my family wearing house dresses along with their hoop ear rings. They had a sleeveless style for the summer and a short sleeve style for the fall and winter. I like to wear something cute and comfortable on Sunday afternoons after church and this would be ideal – especially for the hot and humid weather here. I definitely have to add this “make” to my list.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh, I love that memory, De. Wearing house dresses with hoop earrings. Yes, have fun sewing your house dress.

  5. Vee

    This is perfect for me. I like to “dress” even when I’ll only be home. These type of dresses allow me to look and feel feminine while being comfortable. Oh, and my grandma called it a “house coat”. Typically a simple print, button down the front dress, with two patch pockets. The length normally hit at the knee?

    1. Anita Morris

      Yep! I remember the house coat too. But my grandmother called the robes “house coats.” And that what we called them too. I just love the memories.

  6. Chef Carol

    My grandma wore a Duster. Now I wear one as well. They’ve become quite expensive for what it is. I’m going to up grade myself with one that looks like yours ??

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, I love that we can sew our own and make them look however we want. ??

  7. Linda

    Hi Anita! I love this housedress. My grandmother wore one as well. She lived with us, and I remember her always wearing one around the house. I like the white hat with that floral dress. That is lovely fabric! I don’t know if I could sew that neckline/arm binding. But it would be great to be able to make a few tanks in colors I want and in a length I want (because store-bought never is long enough for me). I’ll have to add this one to my “list” – haha. I’m waiting on fabric (tomorrow) from Style Maker so that I may attempt the McCall’s maxi (following your sew-along). Thank you for all you do for the novice sewist! Be blessed.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Linda! The sew along by True Bias is very detailed. Check it out because if you have basic sewing skills, you may be able to follow along and complete the thank.

      Yaaayyy! Have fun sewing your maxi dress.

  8. Stacy

    I also like the floor length style AND the floral fabric ?.
    Thanks for the inspiration. This would be a perfect dress pattern for me to “get back into sewing”. If I make any mistakes, it’s ok, it’s only a house dress!

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, yes, YES! That’s what I’m talking about, Stacy! And a lovely house dress too.