Have you ever been in a space or time in your life and felt like you were in a maze, with no way out? That’s how I felt when I stood in my sewing studio, looking at all the fabric, wondering how in the world I would bring it into order. Where would I start? How would I categorize it? Should I create a recording system or not? How much of it do I really need? Will I ever use it all?


These were the questions that flooded my mind as I pondered the task before me. As with the patterns in last week’s post, I wondered, “how did I get here”? I needed to answer this most important question before moving forward, because I was aware that knowing the “how” would be crucial in helping me to discontinue the behavior. So I thought back to when I first started sewing.


I used to purchase patterns and fabric only for what I was planning to make. That’s when it hit me. I already knew how to sew with a plan, because that’s how I started out in the beginning. So what happened? When did I lose my focus?


Fast forward to 2015, when I returned to sewing after a 20+ year break. Blogs, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest – SOCIAL MEDIA!!! The sewing community exploded before my eyes, and I wasn’t ready for the aftermath. Never had I seen so many amazing women creating such incredible garments. I wanted in, so I joined them.

As I mentioned in the beginning of the series, when I discovered the term, fabric stash, I had to have one because it seemed like the cool thing to do. AND…that’s where I lost focus. So, here I am, with 204 pieces of fabric (after my purge), most of which has been sitting for over a year–and I continued to buy. That’s not okay with me anymore. It’s time for change.



Therefore, in Step 4 of our SWAP Series, we’re organizing our fabric and developing a plan to manage it. However, before putting it in order, we should really take some time to declutter. I know this is a touchy subject for some, maybe most, but I suggest removing the fabrics that no longer serve your needs based on what we learned in Step 1 (functional wardrobe, personal style, current lifestyle).


I’m not laying out a plan for decluttering this time. I suggest using the same process that helped us in Step 1–Wardrobe Decluttering and Step 2–Pattern Decluttering. If you’ve completed those steps, you’re probably getting into the groove of purging.


After you’ve purged all fabrics that no longer fit with your future sewing plans, you’re ready to organize. We’re likely dealing with different size work spaces, so I’ll show you how I organized my space, and then share some options for smaller areas. Let’s get organized!


Bring all your fabrics together into one area.




Sort your fabrics, creating categories based on what you have and how you want to group them.


Here are my categories


Denim, Knit Linings, Woven Linings, Bottom Weights, Rayons, Silkies, Sweater Knits, Lightweight Knits, Ponte Knits, Textured Knits, Cottons, Special Occasion. Scraps




Working with one category at a time, measure each piece of fabric. You may choose to attach labels to your fabric with pertinent information, such as:


Yardage, fabric content, percentage of stretch for knits, purchase location/website, item #, fabric width, etc.


Another option is to use one of three available apps below that I found on IOS. There may be others in Android.


Stash Star Fabric = FREE = 3.6 Rating


Fabric Stash = $2.99 = No Rating


Cora = $6.99 = 4.4 Rating

Using the apps above, you’ll be able to take photos of your fabrics and record lots of information to help you stay organized.


Depending on your storage source, you will need to decide if you want to roll or fold your fabric—I did both. Slinky fabrics are easier to roll and they won’t come apart when removing other pieces if you tie them with ribbon, string, or yarn.

Follow the steps below to prepare your fabric for the storage unit of your choice.


Measure storage unit


Fold/Roll fabric to fit storage unit


Layer fabric by type and color into storage unit

Here is how I store my fabrics. The STORAGE CUBICALS are perfect for storing fabrics. 12-Cube Unit / 9-Cube Unit / 6-Cube Unit


Arrange pieces inside fabric storage cubes and place on closet shelves, tables, floors, cabinets, etc.). CLICK for cube purchase details.

Stackable Plastic Drawers are perfect and can be placed in rooms, closets, under tables, etc. CLICK for similar units. I couldn’t find the same ones online. These are many years old.


Do you keep your fabric scraps? The pile below was stored inside two plastic drawers, like the ones above, with the exception of pieces that never made it there. I rarely use the scraps and when I look at this pile, all I see is more clutter. It had to go, so I used a bunch of old shopping bags and packed it up for donation. I must admit that I did take a couple  of pieces back after packing up. Hahaha!


If you keep and use scrap fabric, I’d love to hear your tips in the comments below. How do you store the scraps? The small amount that I decided to keep is stored in one fabric cube at the cutting table.



Now that the fabric collection is decluttered and organized, we must implement a plan to prevent it from growing out of control again, and to ensure that we stay focused and intentional with future purchases.


1. Shop My Fabric Collection

For every project, I will shop my collection first. If what I need isn’t available, only then will I add it to my fabric shopping list. The goal is to reduce the size of my collection to the point where I will only need one bookcase for storage, or less.

2. Create a SWAP Fabric List

I’ve created a folder on my phone to include fabrics I need to help build my daily wardrobe, and for upcoming special events. I WILL ONLY ADD TO THIS LIST IF NECESSARY!!!

3. Avoid Fabric Sale Temptation

I will only shop fabric sales and use mailer coupons when there are items on my Shopping List. Joining the masses at the sales and forcing myself to use that coveted 60% off coupon + an Extra 20% off your total purchase (including sales items) is a behavior of the past.

Now that my fabric is organized and easy to access, I feel great walking into my space. A clutter-free space makes room for great creativity.

So far, in the Series, we’ve discovered our personal style, decluttered our wardrobes, planned our first month of Sewing with a Plan, and decluttered our pattern and fabric collections. Now we’re ready to pull it all together.


Be sure to join me here next week, as we end the Series by planning our first project from our 1-Month Sewing Plan. You will need to complete Step 1 in the Series before moving on next week.

Do you already have an organized fabric collection? I’d love to hear about your system. Please share in the comments below. If you don’t have a system, I hope you have received encouragement to start today. Let me know what you think below.


(DISCLAIMER: This blog post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you click on one of the product links, I’ll receive a small commission on qualifying purchases. All opinions in this post are my own.)

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This Post Has 82 Comments

  1. Keerthi

    What a great post! I stumbled on your blog while I was looking for advice on sorting my stash to store in my new sewing room .. I will take a look at your previous posts!

    Thank you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Awesome! Have fun organizing your stash.

  2. Vernita Francis

    Hello Anita…I am currently working on “decluttering” lol..I have gotten rid of several patterns, sewing magazines and books…at times I had to close my eyes….I also had to make a couple runs back thru the patterns…..Thank you so much for the suggestion….Now on to the fabric..ugh……so much and some pieces I still love but have had for a long time…lol thank you and I will give you an update..

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Vernita! I laughed when you said you closed your eyes. So funny because I totally understand. The fabric is the hardest to purge. I wish you well and look forward to hearing your update.

  3. Beth Tingo

    Anita, I too have found your blog recently as a result of my serger shopping & you video on the Vibrant Babylock which purchased. I found your videos very helpful as a beginner withe serger. I sewn for years but only on a conventional sewing machine. I am curious on where you donated your scrap fabric? I have started going through all my fabric which like you is a lot. I couldn’t believe when I started that I had fabric from years ago I never used. Then the patterns! I could go on just like you.
    Please give me some ideas on fabric donations. Thank you

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Beth! Congratulations on your Vibrant Serger! So exciting!

      Someone gave me the awesome idea to donate the fabric to the local college for their sewing classes. You can also donate to your local thrift store. You can also read through some of the comments here where there are more suggestions.

  4. Linda A Johnson

    Anita, I just found your Blog on 8/23/2019. My desire over 45 years ago was to be a Fashion Designer. Life happened & I didn’t pursue my passion. My Dad went to Heaven & now I left NY to live in the country with our Mother, while my Sister works. I’ve picked up the Fabric& machine again. My juices are burning hot like I’m 20. Thank you for your classiness, Faith, and your expert tutorials. Sewing keeps me from being BORED. Blessings to you IJN.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Linda! Wow! I’m so happy that you’re back to pursuing your passion. Let those juices burn sister. I’m glad to have you visiting me here.

  5. Louise

    Hello from England, you asked for ideas for scraps- I like to use pretty fabrics scraps to create pockets. Sometimes only the wearer will know they are there but depending on the design they may be visible so you can choose coordinating or contrast colours depending on your taste! Keep up the great work, I love your blog and tutorials.

  6. Jaclyn Moylan

    Hi Anita, I hope 2019 is starting off just the way you planned! I am a quilter with a large fabric stash and over the summer I organized all my quilting cottons. I wrapped all my fabric on comic book backing boards (purchaed on amazon) which are the equivalent to a heavy card stock. Now all my pretty fabric is placed upright on my bookcase all uniformaly sized. Since quilting cottons are the same, as far as being 100% cotton, I organize by colorway. Now that I want venture into garment making (with the help of your FABULOUS ‘Learn to Sew’ videos) I plan to follow your sewing with a plan system for fashion fabrics so I do not get overwhelmed with clutter EVER again. My quilting cottons stash and patterns were out of hand and I took care of that over this last summer pretty much like you did with your decluttering and wow what a great feeling it is. The comic book backing boards are perfect for wrapping fabric. You would be surprised at the amount of yardage you can wrap on them.

  7. Patricia Brown

    Hi Anita, I love your fabric organizational system. I LOL!!! when I saw fabric here in your posting on top of a clock! I definitely need to de-clutter my sewing room. This is absolutely one of my New Year’s Resolutions. If you have a problem with moths, what do you do to protect your fabrics? I have a tip that I learned about years ago. I place a bar of Zest soap inside of my fabric containers/shelves. I simply tear off one end of the soap carton….leaving the soap inside and place inconspicuously inside of all of my fabric storage locations. The aroma is not overbearing, and when you’re ready to sew the scent does not linger on the fabrics at all.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Patricia, I never thought about moths. Thank you so much for the great tip.

      Now you know that’s a shame to have fabric on top of a clock. Hahaha!!!

  8. Nicole

    Miss Anita I am loving how you organize your fabric. Did u make the 4 cubbies with the cutting table?

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Nicole. Thank you so much. No, didn’t make the cubbies.

  9. Sue

    Very helpful ideas! Love the storage ideas, so calming

    1. Anita Morris

      Thanks Sue. Glad you like my new storage system.

  10. Alex

    Thank you for writing about this, Anita! Even if sustainability is not the main driver, the outcome of more mindful consumption can only be good for the planet! I love your new tidied up space, it really does invite creativity!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Alex! Thank you so much for stopping by and reading my post. You’re very welcome. Yes, I know how important sustainability is to you and I’d really like to be more responsible in that area.

  11. Cynthia Neal

    I say again, “Thank you!” Miss Anita for leading this effort. I’m certain I am much older than all you ladies, therefore I need more time because I have a LOT more fabric than many of you. Imagine moving fabric you bought at a fabric store you worked at when your son was in high school. Quality fabric…most from layaways (Thank you, Stone Mountain (Berkeley, CA) and employee discounts on sale yardage where I worked….back when the stores gave you the designer label when you bought a pattern by the designer. My son is now grown and producing grandchildren at an alarming rate. Some of the fabric was used for his shirts, or robes as he grew…lotsa memories. This fabric collection thing is not something I wish to brag about, but I hope young(er) sewists break this habit,…and I’m here with you and to support your efforts to stop! I am with you all…just not at top speed…I need more time to donate or use the years and years of hoarding that contributed to my fabric collection. I’m almost done organizing my sewing room in my current retirement home. This space is a room that turned out to be much, much smaller than I imagined from the diagram…Anyhoo….It means I must sort my patterns a little differently (my collection began back in the late 60s) and decide soon which senior center gets the delivery of the things that don’t make the cut. I has been very hard to make these decisions. But, I am tired of the clutter…and if we remind ourselves that we can only sew one item at a time, we will learn the key is to focus on the one thing currently under your needle, and less on the next item to be created. You

    1. Cynthia Neal

      Ms Anita…the end of my comment was to tell you that you are always in my prayers…Luv you!

    2. Anita Morris

      Hi Cynthia! Oh WOW! Yes, indeed, please take your time! No rush at all. We have to work at our own pace with these things. I LOVE the idea of donating the fabric to a senior center. Oh gosh, there’s one right down the street form me and I’m going to check to see if they want fabric. Thanks for sharing your story and the awesome tip. Your prayers are a blessing to me, so thank you.

  12. KS Sews

    My stash is huge (to have been sewing less than 6 years). I purged quite a bit (mostly “great deals” from FabricMart that really aren’t “me”) when I moved. And I’ve never really had an issue with the size of my stash. I moved this June and brought a tub of fabric up to the sewing room, the rest is in the basement. Looking at my spreadsheet for the year and realizing I’ve sewn 6 “pieces” from stash fabric – out of 32 items sewn.

    I need to cull again and have decided I’m going to cull my fabric like I cull clothes (rtw and handmade!!). There’s a definite keep pile, toss pile, and there’s a maybe pile. Because I have so much (clothes and fabric!), I make 2 maybe piles – spring/summer and fall/winter. If I make it to next appropriate season without touching those pieces, they have to go.

    I still don’t believe I have an issue with a large stash, but I have an issue with having “stuff” that just isn’t useful (and I don’t make many muslins!)

    1. Anita Morris

      I love your decluttering system, especially the seasonal maybes test. That’s a great idea! Have fun culling your fabric. We’re all so different and if you love your large stash and it’s working for you, then enjoy. We all do what makes us happy and I love it.

  13. Susan Child

    Great post Anita. The way I manage my stash is via a swatch book. I created a swatch book with a notebook and it is arranged by knits, wovens, stretch wovens and home dec. I created the pages to accommodate 3 swatches per page and each swatch has room for pertinent information relative to the swatch, e.g. yardage, where I bought it, when I bought it (which is shaming in and of itself) and fiber content. My fabric is stored in plastic tubs in a storage room we have downstairs.
    Each tub is numbered and the tub number is also included on the swatch sheet so I can go right to the tub to retrieve my fabric. So far it has worked well but I do need to purge some fabrics because they just aren’t me anymore. I also have a pattern book that I created in the same manner. I copy the pattern envelope, front and back, and file it by pattern type in the notebook. Patterns are stored alphabetically/numerically in a file cabinet. Although this system has worked well for me, I still need to purge! Hope all is well.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Susan! I LOVE your fabric storage system. It sounds very functional. Also, I’ve heard of others who use the same system for their patterns. Great job! Have fun purging and thank you so much for following the series.

  14. Lena Grip

    Thanks Anita for a great post. Among my friends, I’m the only one sewing clothes and they laugh when I say I have more fabrics laying around then waerable clothes. I’m also very good in startig new projects but poor in finishing them off. Compared to your over 204 peices of fabric, my pile of fabric is much smaller but you need a place to store them and a plan for them. Where I live we no longer have so many stores selling fabrics for clothing so it’s hard to have a plan what you like to sew and then not be able finding the material for your project. You can buy online but my experience is that what you see on the screen is not always the same in reality. I envy your Joann. Most of the time when I go to the fabric store I see a fabric I like and think I better buy it while I see it because it can be useful in the future. I buy it, store it and forget what my intentions were and some of the fabrics have been stored for years. I am looking forward to your next step.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Lena! I totally understand your struggle. The good intentions purchases can pile up so quickly when we’re not actually using them. Thank you for following the Series. I’m having a blast getting my space ready for sewing.

  15. Tarah

    Another article that will help so many of us fabric “collectors”. Thank you for sharing a manageable plan.

  16. Fawzia

    WOw very smart idea about the way you orginse you cube under the cutting table I love it .?

  17. Lenora Kelson

    Such great tips! Love your space too! Looking forward to getting myself back together. Not sure if life will allow me to join the SWAP in January, but it is on my list to do. Thank you so much for sharing!

    1. Anita Morris

      You’re very welcome Lenora! No timed schedule at all. Get to it when you are able. The posts will be here.

  18. Elizabeth Farr

    Everything is so nice and organized now–doesn’t it feel so much better–like you can think again in this space?! I have several fabrics from vacation that I need to assimilate into my stash. There may or may not be quite a bit hanging out in my bedroom(it’s approaching shameful!)! My stash is organized by color. I love the idea of separating things by type, but in reality, color makes a lot more sense to me–I can always find exactly what I’m looking for by color. But again, our brains all work differently, and it’s fun to see how the Lord has made us differently!

    1. Anita Morris

      I like the idea of sorting by color too. Yes, love the differences in people. That’s what makes up beautiful.

      Yes, it feels amazing! I definitely feel relieved, like a weight has been lifted and I can think and create freely.

  19. Gwendolyn Styles

    Hi Anita, Ive never seen so much fabric in a personal stash, but its cool. great idea you have !

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Gwendolyn, this is nothing compared to some of the home stashes I’ve seen.

  20. Jody H

    Thanks for the great storage ideas. As for the remnants, I do hold on to them because I would like to make coordinating or matching scrunchies and head bands to go with my makes. Of course, saying it and making it are two different things and in reality I’ve only made exactly one scrunchie out of all of my remnants, but I figure when I get a long vacation/sewcation, I will set aside one day just for scrunchies.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Jody! I love the scrunchie idea, but I’m cracking up at you only making one so far. Too funny! Thanks for the tip!

  21. Mirline K

    Good day Anita! I’m enjoying this series thus far and I find the information to very useful; even though I don’t have nearly as much patterns, fabric, or sewing space it’s still good to take part. All my fabric are stored away in clear plastic bins. Now I need to go through the scraps and possibly donate them as well. Thank you for sharing and I look forward to the next steps. xoxo

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Mirline! You’re very welcome and I’m glad you’re enjoying the series. The clear, plastic bins are a great idea.

  22. Janine Helligar

    Mmm. That was quite an impressive fabric stash before purging! After purging, it is still impressive, but I applaud your progress, Anita!

    When I first learned how to sew, I didn’t know how little I knew about fabric. So I was buying fabric like a drunken sailor on shore leave after 6 months at sea. My only criteria was: it’s so pretty!

    Once I started trying to sew some of that fabric, I learned quickly that some fabric is real pretty to look at but HATEFUL to sew and/or unsuitable to wear, i.e.., too flimsy, too stiff, or too cheap! SIGH!

    Right now, I’ve chosen a colour palette. And my goal is to only buy fabric that fits with my colour palette (with the occasional “I don’t care if it doesn’t fit in” buy). Plus, any fabric I buy has to meet these four criteria: (1) show-stopping print; (2) stunning hue; (3) the most lovely, sensuous texture ever; and/or (4) the best quality I can afford! In other words, every piece of fabric I buy going forward has to be a 10, or I’m simply not interested!

    Now, I can’t wear to get sewing too.

    1. Anita Morris

      Janine, your fabric buying criteria is AWESOME! Yes, choosing fabrics that fit with your color palette is a great idea. I’ve taken to that idea also after having a color analysis last summer. Thanks for sharing your tips.

  23. Phoebe

    Wow, Anita, I admire what you are doing in saying “enough!” I agree with another commenter about Satan trying to get us distracted and the “more” mentality. I purged my closet and that was a relief, now I can tell what I need to sew. I keep my patterns in 3 shoeboxes and fabric in 2 Rubbermaid totes with lids. Scraps I usually just toss because I usually take my pattern with me to the store and only get the amount of fabric I need for that garment. My downfall right now is I discovered a fabric store with big remnant bins, $1.50 yd. So I cleaned out their wool gabardines for some suits and the bags are sitting on the floor by my bed staring at me every time I get out of bed. Lol. I’m going to get the totes out of the closet and purge and should have room for the new wools. Thank you for this series, that pile would be staring at me a year from now if I hadn’t read this. Your studio is bdautiful, good example for us about how to get organized. Thank you.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Phoebe, I love that you have maintained and kept your collections to a minimum. I’m cracking up about the wool haul though. Hahaha! I’m so glad you are following the series and finding encouragement. Thanks for joining me.

  24. Michelle

    Thank you for this!!! I am on stay-cation next week and this was one of my projects I had in mind. I don’t have cubicle space but I do have airbag space in a closet on shelves. I’m looking forward to doing this. My name is “M” and I’m a fabric-holic. LOL. But it stops now. Thank you for this series.

    1. Anita Morris

      OMGosh Michelle! I LOVE the airbag storage idea. That’s awesome! I especially like it because your fabric is covered and protected from dust. That’s one of the things I’ve always gone back and forth about, having the fabric exposed all the time. Thanks for sharing. Okay, “M”, you have exposed yourself as a fabric-colic, so it’s time to get to work. LOL!

  25. Carolyn

    It’s interesting to watch/read your sewing journey. My fabric collection is very large and I’ve stored it on shelves with the fabric primarily folded but in some cases rolled. It is also color coordinated because that’s how I think. I think I want a blue knit top before I think I want a knit top. Being able to see things stored by color works for me. Also prints are just stored by prints unless a color is predominant. So there are two shelves of just print fabrics. Lastly, I try to tag every fabric that comes in unless it arrives with a tag on it. That way when I pull a fabric from the shelves, I know exactly how much I’m working with.

    So glad you’ve gotten your sewing studio organized and ready for you to sew!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Carolyn! I love that your fabrics are all tagged. Having the fabric color coordinated is so much easier.

  26. Dara

    I am REALLY ENJOYING this Anita! Thank you SO MUCH for the REALITY CHECK! Happy Sewing!

    1. Anita Morris

      You’re so very welcome, Dara! I’m enjoying it too. Thank you for following the series.

  27. Melinda

    As a database administrator, I love, love, love organizing other people’s stuff. My own fabric stash is an overflowing clear plastic bag in the back of my closet.

    Anita, you’re a doll and I look forward to your everyday-wear sewing lessons. I hope to feel like I’m wearing sweats but look like the embodiment of casual elegance. Any hope, there?

    1. Anita Morris

      Ooooh, Melinda, you’re speaking my language! Yeeesss, girl! We can ROCK our casual wear with MUCH elegance. Now you’ve got me all excited again. Can’t WAIT to get started.

      You had me cracking up about organizing “other people’s stuff” and your fabric overflowing in the closet. Hahaha! Thanks for following reading.

  28. Peggy Johnson

    Hi Anita and thank you so much for this series. I feel so blessed that I’m receiving this information during this stage of my sewing and in serving God. This series really opened my eyes to the do’s (get and stay ATTENTIVE), and the don’ts (getting caught in the trap of wanting to fit in the sewing WORLD, if that makes sense). When I started to learn to sew (from you might I add), I too thought it was cool to have a stash of fabric, a stash of patterns, a stash of sewing notions (more than what’s needed or what I’m using), and wanting to BE LIKE OTHERS, but because of this series I now know that’s not what’s important. What’s important to me, because of what I felt in my spirit from God because of your willingness to open up and share you before the world, and I know this is God reminding me of this, is to have a plan, a purpose with direction from God; however, not just in sewing but in my life. This is a wonderful lesson that goes so far beyond the subject of sewing. It’s amazing what God will use to speak to us if we just open our heart and listen. So I give God the glory for you, and thank you for allowing Him to use you. I apologize for the caps-I’m not yelling-just using the caps to emphasize what God was speaking to me. God bless you and your family and thanks again.

    1. Anita Morris

      Peggy!!!!!!! Now see, you’ve got me out of my seat now. Let me tell you, sister! You’re right! This goes far beyond sewing and it all began with a stirring in my spirit to declutter my LIFE. After experiencing such a devastating event in my life, I want to be intentional about everything that I do, bringing honor to God always. Thank you so much for sharing and joining me in this series. Praising God that I can have any part in helping someone learn to sew. You are a blessing to me. I appreciate you for allowing me the opportunity to share my passion with you. God bless you and your family too.

      1. Peggy Johnson

        Yes intentional that God be glorified!! You are helping in so many ways that you don’t realize. Thanks be to God!

  29. Carrie Cunningham

    Great tips…as always! I store my fabric in a closet just outside of my sewing space. Initially it was folded, but some would get lost due to the depth of the shelves. When Elizabeth Far introduced us to rolling them on tubes, I started picking up unused tubes from the fabric store. I cut them in half, which made them the perfect length for the shelves. No more piles falling to the back of the sheves! And I can see all of my fabric.

    I have a 4 cube unit in my space. It holds fabrics that going to be used soon…and the patterns for those fabrics are stored with them.

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh Carrie, I LOVE your storage system. The rolls sound amazing. I like the idea of that because you probably don’t have to iron the fabric before starting your project if you’ve already washed it before rolling it. Great tip. Thanks for sharing.

  30. Cynthia Willis

    Excellent article! I, too, had left the sewing realms and when I rejoined the influence of social media pushed at me to buy, store, hoard! I resisted and pushed back, quit watching videos of fabric hauls (or any other hauls) because I think it is part of Satan’s plan to gain control over our lives. The idea of more is better is a false reality and enslaves us to want more and more. I quit a sewing challenge earlier this summer when I saw what it was doing. I enjoy sewing and the challenge it brought to me, but I also recognized that others were trying to see how many garment they could sew, like it was a competition or whether or not they needed them or would ever wear them. I have purged stuff, furniture, clothes, shoes, etc in the last few weeks and feeling better every day. I applaud your honesty and efforts!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Cynthia! It’s great that you were able to remove yourself from the temptation. I think that’s really the key to staying focused. It’s avoiding and removing ourselves from anything that tempts us to fall into the traps of hoarding, competing and racing. Yeah, I’m decluttering my entire life. It feels amazing.

  31. Dawn

    I love the idea of the cubes. My stash is stored in a tall dresser which has 2 drawers on the bottom and 3 shelves on the top and it’s really a mess and since I can’t really see everything, I forget I have some fabrics. The cubes will fit on the shelves nicely so I’ve ordered some from Amazon and will get my fabric better organized. I’ve taken a before photo so I can document the progress.

    1. Anita Morris

      Yes, Dawn! Taking immediate action! I love that! Having before and after photos is awesome. Seeing the progress and accomplishment is so satisfying and motivating. Thanks for joining the series and have fun getting your fabric collection organized.

  32. Pamela

    When I buy fabric I instantly wash and dry it and cut a small piece and glue it into a binder and all the information about the fabric. I fold my fabric and put it on my shelf. Anytime I need fabric I go to my little book and see if I have enough and and the fabric contents. It keeps me organized and it doesn’t let me get too out of hand I even have my binder separated by knits, woven, flannels, etc…

    1. Anita Morris

      Oooohhh, Pamela, I LOVE this! I was all my fabrics before storing them too. The binders with sample is an AWESOME idea. Great tip! Thanks for sharing.

  33. Isabel Gransaull

    Thank you, Anita, for sharing your series with us. I really appreciate your suggestions. I too have fallen into the trap of fabric stash that it is not even considered a stash anymore. I have decluttered and thrown out and donated and now have my fabrics organized but I need to stop purchasing fabric so randomly so as not end up in the same place. Thank you kindly. This is a sure way to take some weight off because it feels great to declutter.

    1. Anita Morris

      You’re very welcome, Isabel! Yes, it’s amazing how clutter weighs us down. You don’t even realize it until you let it go. It’s so liberating.

  34. jodie filogomo

    I’m sending this to my mom, but unless I do it, it probably won’t get done…haha! But maybe it’ll be great inspiration for her ….

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Jodie! I wish I were close to you guys because I would help you purge and organize mom’s fabrics.

  35. Angie J

    All I can start off saying is WOW, WOW, and WOW. That’s a lot of fabric but yet the only thing I could think of is, “Is she about to sell some?”, LOL. I was ready to jump on it (not the point of your post, I know, lol). But really, you are so right and even thou I don’t have as much as you, I still need to get it together and you couldn’t be more right about the scraps and would you believe I just looked at my scraps last night and said they must go. Again you are doing a great job with this series and I look forward to every bit of this.

    1. Anita Morris

      Angie! Hahaha! Yeah, it’s a lot of fabric. I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the series. Thank you so much for joining me.

  36. Pam

    Great, useful information, Anita. I must admit, I don’t keep a huge fabric stash – but, that in no way implies my fabric is organized! My form of organization looks like your first few photos. There are stacks here and there. I have no clue what I have. I shall begin organizing immediately. It never occurred to me to roll my slinky fabrics and tie them with a ribbon. I will be using that method for those lovely knits that like to misbehave on my pile-o-fabric.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Pam! Great that you don’t keep a huge stash. It just isn’t necessary. So glad you found the rolling tip helpful. Enjoy your organizing time. It feels great afterwards.

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