Little Black Dress | Burda 7043

Little Black Dress

Hello Everyone!  Welcome to my new Blog!  I’m super excited to be launching today (insert scream)!  I’ve received so much ENCOURAGEMENT to do this and I’m very grateful to God for the opportunity.  Before I share about the Little Black Dress (LBD) I’m wearing, I’d like to encourage YOU today.  Is there something you’re passionate about, something that makes you smile when you think about it?  Can you imagine that thing adding value to your life and the lives of others?  If you answered yes to these, my next question is this:  Are you doing that thing?  If you are I applaud you and encourage you to continue.  If you’re not doing it, I ask, “Why not?”  What prevents you from doing what you love?  You were “Designed to Shine.”  That means you were created to live your life with purpose, and you can only do that when you’re living according to the way you were designed.  Could this be your time to make that move?  Go ahead, take a deeper look into YOU, make the needed adjustments and dare to “Shine in your Design.”  My motto is this:  “When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES.”

Little Black Dress

With that being said, here I am, doing what I LOVE–Sewing!  Today I share one of my favorites.  I call it my Audrey Hepburn dress, and it represents the essence of my style.   I love 50’s-style fashion because the women in those days displayed such class in the way they dressed and carried themselves. That is what I aspire to be — a classy lady.  Classy can’t be purchased.  Classy is a state of mind.  Classy is timeless.

Create The Look!

  • Pattern Used – Burda 7043 (Out-of-Print)
  • Fabric Used – Double Knit (Store Closed)
  • Lining Used – Jet Set Lining from JoAnn’s Fabrics (Available in stores)
  • Hat  – Burlington Coat Factory (old purchase)
  • Gloves  – Icing Jewelry & Accessories (old purchase)

What About You?

Leave a comment below and introduce yourself.  Do you sew?  Are you learning to sew?  Perhaps you prefer to be the cheerleader and leave the sewing to the rest of us?  Maybe you’re none of the above and just stopped by to check out my Blog.  Whichever it is, I’d love to meet you.  What do you love to do?

Thanks again for stopping by.  To learn more about this Blog, visit my ABOUT page.  If you like what you see, please share with a friend.



Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress

Little Black Dress


Little Black Dress






cane family. jpg

All Photos Courtesy of CEMO!



Thanks for stopping by,

Remember: When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES! 

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This Post Has 60 Comments

  1. Yolene

    Only the best for a daughter of God! You’re amazing and you wear this LBD so well. I did project #1 with you and my skirt turned out very well. Wore it to church two Sundays ago and some of the ladies couldn’t believe that I made it. You are an excellent teacher and thank you so much for sharing your gift with the community. God bless you Anita.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Yolene! Thank you so much for stopping by today. I’m super excited to hear that your skirt was a success. That really makes me smile. Thank you for watching the videos and I wish you the best as you continue to create beautiful garments. God bless you too my sister.

  2. Doris Mays

    Simply stunning! You are correct. There’s nothing like the little black dress. The details of dress and pearls. Fantastic!

  3. Theresa Broughton

    I love the little black dress. Can I get the pattern at JoAnn Fabric?

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Theresa! I believe this pattern is out of print now, but you should be able to find it online, if your JoAnn’s doesn’t still have copies in the drawer. I sure hope you find it.

  4. Martha

    Really like the classic look!!!!

  5. Krista Daily

    Lady, you always look amazing. I think you could put on a paper sack and still rock it. Thank you for being such an inspiration.

  6. Barbara

    I’m falling in love with your selections just fabulous !!!!!!!!!!

  7. Sulayne

    Nailed it! Very Classy!

  8. Renata

    Nice work truly inspiring!

  9. Paulette

    OMG! YOu are absolutely amazing! Love love love your work!!! I am soo sooo sooo happy for you!! Congrats of the launch of your new blog! one more way for me to follow you . 🙂

    1. Anita Morris

      Yaaay! Thanks Paulette! I really appreciate your support.

  10. Adayna Burrows

    I am so proud of you Mrs. Anita and continue to let God use you.

  11. Sharon Ball

    Hey Ms. Anita!!!

    I’m so proud of you lady, I’m so looking forward to seeing your and I’m so looking forward to seeing more of what you have in store to share. Many blessing to you!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Sharon! Thank you so much!

  12. Jamica

    Anita I am so PROUD of you and HAPPY for you!!!! DHaving the abile to do what you LOVE is a BLESSING! I am looking forward to witnessing this journey. Much success to you my sew sister!!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Jamica, thank you so much for your excitement and support. I really appreciate it. Yes, it is a true blessing.

  13. Patsy Cisneros

    Beautiful blog, magazine-quality pictures, and very encouraging words. Follow your passion, and I will follow your blog!
    My passion is professional public speaking and training about professional presence, personal image (men’s and women’s head-to-toe grooming and clothing), establishing a personal brand, social and business etiquette, and improving communication skills (and MORE). My other love is being a strong and loving support to my husband and his dreams/goals.
    I look forward to watching your blog BLOSSOM, Anita!

    1. Anita Morris

      Patsy, thank you so much for stopping by and for your feedback. Wow! You have a lot of passion inside of you, my friend. Hmmm…, now I see why you attracted my attention the first time I saw you. Yes ma’am, you definitely have a presence about you. Keep shinning, my sister! We’re watching you. I look forward to hearing you speak in the future.

  14. LaToria

    Congratulations Anita on your blog, I’m happy for you. I’m glad you’re doing what you love to do. I’m doing two things I love to do which are “sewing” and “teaching others how to sew”. Continue to follow your passion and it will take you far and many places. Again, Congratulations!!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thanks LaToria! You’re a great teacher and seamstress. I will continue and you do the same. Thanks for stopping by.

  15. Kathi Bayard

    Beautiful! Love the pictures and the encouraging word! This is going to be an awesome journey!
    I have tried sewing clothes before a long time ago and never really knew how to fit them to my exact measurements so they didn’t always fit right. I did not pursue it further. I just got frustrated and gave up. Maybe someday soon I will take you up on your classes and get inspired again!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thanks so much for stopping by Kathi! You can learn to make your clothes fit. It’s a matter of taking proper measurements, buying the right size pattern, making adjustments to your pattern where needed, and practicing. You should give it another try.

  16. Rose C.

    You are an amazing woman with so many talents. Not only are you beautiful on the inside but you look like a movie star! I am so proud of all your accomplishments and how you inspire people all around you. Keep up the great work, and tell your photographer he’s doing a hell of a job!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh, thank you so much Rose! The photographer says thanks also. I appreciate you stopping by.

  17. Lucy

    You inspire me! You go girl!

    1. Anita Morris


  18. Carol

    Yaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!! I love the look and can I have that truck! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!

    1. Anita Morris

      I’d like to have that truck too, Carol. Thanks for stopping by.

  19. Stephanie

    Werrrrrrkkkk honey!!! I am so very proud of you!!! Make it happen sis!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Stephanie!

  20. Alecia

    I’m so happy you started this blog. Your fashion style is always on point. I’m still in the process of learning to sew, and ruining fabric lol. I’ll get there one day, but until then I’ll just be envious of you and all of the ladies on Mimi’s page. But anyway I love all of your pieces. God bless.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Alecia! Guess what? I still ruin fabric too. That’s just part of learning. You keep practicing and getting better. That’s what I’m doing. Practice! Practice! Practice!

  21. LaTanya

    Simply awesome!

  22. Tiffany

    I am glad you are doing what you love to do…you will inspire others (me!!!) can’t wait for you class I will stay tune and let others know. Great Job and don’t give up

    1. Anita Morris

      Thanks Tiffany! I appreciate you sharing with others. So glad you’re interested in the sewing course.

  23. Tonya B.

    Wow! This is awesome! I’m a new follower and I love what I see. I hadn’t sew in over 20 years and picked it back up in the beginning of 2013. I’ve sewn off and off since then but this is brand new…I’ve already sew 2 garments in the last week which is big for me. I wish you all the best in your new journey and I look forward to learning from you. Can’t wait to see what you have in store.

    1. Anita Morris

      Hi Tonya! I’m glad to hear you’re back to sewing. Keep it going! Enjoy the journey!

  24. Shari Williams

    FANTASTIC Anita! A pictures speaks volumes and let me just say YASSSSS sew sista you did that for sure! I love everything about this post the blog and most of all your wonderful spirit! Be Blessed sis and I look forward to seeing great things from you!
    Hugs & love

    1. Anita Morris

      Shari, thank you so much for stopping by and commenting. You make me smile.

  25. Linda Cote

    Miss Anita you are the epitome of class! I have always thought that of you! I love your blogs and I have loved all of the creations you have shared! I a agree with you when you say you love the 50’s! I also love the 50’s. I love the fashion and how women carried themselves! Such a timeless period! Congratulations on your launch and keep shining for Jesus! You truly make a difference!

    1. Anita Morris

      Oh, thank you for stopping by Linda! Yes, shining for Jesus!

  26. Tina

    I am so happy for you!!!! I love your postings already! I love your creations because they are classy and very sophisticated! I will spread the word about your blog!!!!!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Tina!

  27. Deborah Moore-Watson

    Outstanding!!! I admire your work and the passion you have for it. Blessings to you Anita 🙂

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you!

  28. Shonna

    L O V E! This Is a beautiful post! I see what you did…gave us the teaser on the other pages! I am too through s d 100% impressed! Wonderful, classy, elegant, and fun!

    1. Anita Morris

      Hey Shonna! Thank you so much! You figured me out! LOL!

  29. Zaun

    Great job! I’ve admired your creations in the past and look forward to enjoying Sharing…

    1. Anita Morris

      YES! Thank you so much!

  30. Cree

    I absolutely love this post Anita… So inspiring… Designed to Shine!!!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you Cree!

  31. T. Frazier

    Anita , you are such a classy, most humble and encouraging young lady. I enjoy all of your creations that you have shared with the groups and I am happy to be a subscriber to your blog. I do sew but not as much as I would like to. There is only one fabric store where I’m located and there is not much of a variety of fabrics available. Hopefully there will be a sew along in the future and we can do a show an tell. That would be fun.

    1. Anita Morris

      Thank you so much for your feedback, and for subscribing. Yes, there will be sew-alongs in the future, and show-and-tell sounds fun.

  32. Carla Jacobs

    I love love love this!Great job Anita!

    1. Anita Morris

      Thanks Carla!

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