Skirts! I’m in desperate need of skirts…and all other separates, for that matter. I remember a time when my closet was overflowing with DIY skirts. That was many years ago, because when I learned to sew, skirts were among my first projects and quickly became the specialty. My work wardrobe had a skirt in just about every color.

Then I got married, had children and became a stay-at-home mom. My skirts didn’t get as much action anymore, other than church. Eventually, they all fazed out. Now, here I am, lacking. There’s something wrong with this situation.
Do you remember when I did the SWAP Series here on the blog? While I’ve done a GREAT job of not buying patterns and fabric every time there’s a sale, I don’t feel like I’ve made much progress, in terms of sewing for my everyday needs. I’m still going to my closet and saying, “I DON’T HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR!”. Therefore, I sat myself down and made a skirt last weekend.
Making this skirt was very gratifying. Now I’m on a mission to take care of business, for real. I’ve come up with a plan to meet my sewing needs, beginning with skirts, and I’ll be sharing that with you soon. If you’re signed up for my email list, you’ll be the first to hear about it, and I want you to be a part of what I have in mind. Stay tuned!!!
DIY Flared Skirt w/Button Front – McCall’s 7906

Now about this cute skirt that has been on my radar ever since I saw sew sister, Candice Michelle, share her entry into the #sewyourview challenge for McCall’s 7906 on Instagram @neglectedheart. I didn’t see it until after the challenge was over, but I fell in LOVE with her skirt. Here’s a photo, and I’m sure you’ll agree that she did an amazing job with the skirt and styling.

Sew Your View
Sew Your View is a fun challenge hosted on Instagram by Monica of That’s Sew Monica. Once a month, a pattern is highlighted and sewists choose a view from the pattern, sew it and share on Instagram with the tag #sewyourview. If sewing challenges are your thing and you want to get in on the fun, check out @sewyourview on Instagram.

Skirt Construction
My skirt was made with a printed denim that I purchased from Joann Fabrics last year. I had originally designated the fabric for a jumpsuit but never got around to making it. When I pulled the pattern last Friday and went through my fabric collection, I knew it would be a great fit.

Ooohhh, I can’t wait to style my skirt for fall. Imagine it with this top, tall boots, a blazer, and accessorized with 3 or 4 long chains. I also have a turtleneck that I made with this same gold sweater knit fabric, which will look amazing with the skirt. Also, a long sleeve, white blouse, accessorized with pearls, would give it a clean, classic look. Yep, the possibilities are endless.

I cut a size 12 and didn’t make any pattern adjustments. The top I’m wearing is New Look 6458, View B. This is the same pattern I used for the t-shirt and maxi skirt we made in the Beginner’s Sewing Course.

After completing the skirt, I was excited to wear it to church on Sunday. Then I stopped by the store to buy dinner ingredients on the way home. I received so many compliments on my skirt. The ladies at church and the store really liked it.

I’m really looking forward to sewing more skirts. With so many beautiful fabrics to choose from, I can see myself going overboard. I mean, can a woman have too many? I guess the answer would be yes, but gosh, I want all the skirts now. Hahaha!!!

So tell me, do you need to add skirts to your wardrobe? Let me know in the comments below. Do you prefer solids or prints? If you’re not on my email list, I want you to get signed up below. I’ll be reaching out to my email subscribers only, for something I have coming up. You’re gonna like it. I already know.
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Thanks for stopping by!
Remember: When you live in your DESIGN, it is from there that God SHINES!

Hi Anita,
I absolutely love your style. The skirt is lovely. I’m a newbie!! And I found myself dusting off my sewing machine some months ago for the arrive of my first granddaughter. Needless to say after I made a few baby blankets I took the petal off the metal of my presser foot until COVID-19. I dusted it off again to make face mask for my family and as I was watching you tube videos I saw a lady who went on and on about how see loved her BavbyLock sewing machine so I became curious “What’s a Babylocik?” a google search later I’m scrolling down the pages and I find you. I have watched your beginner videos and I’m extremely excited now to learn to Sew. You make sewing look fun, easy and beautiful. Thanks so much!!
Hi Anita
I am a fan. I love the print denim skirt. I was out of the country in September didn’t see this until now. I am not sure if this pattern still available.
Love to make this skirt.
Thanks for sharing
Pingback: PLEATED SKIRT SEW-ALONG | MCCALL'S 7906 – Anita by Design
I can’t wait to start sewing this skirt with you
Yaaayyy!!! Mary, I’m so excited!!! I’m done with the sew-along video and thrilled to have another skirt in my wardrobe.
Are you going to do a tutorial/ video on making this? I want to make it but DEFINITELY NEED YOUR VIDEO TO HELP!
Thank you
Ooohhh, Kelky! Looks like you’ve missed the news. I’m starting a Series called Sewing Skirts with Anita. You should get subscribed to my Private Email Community to get all the behind the scenes scoop. Scroll up above the comments here and get signed up. You don’t want to miss this. Trust me!
Pingback: REDUCE SEWING TIME WITH A SERGER – Anita by Design
Anita, I have this pattern as well as other skirt patterns and I am getting ready to order another skirt pattern from Vogue. Yes, yes I’m a skirt girl !!!!!!! Oh, by the way your skirt is absolutely gorgeous!
Thank you so much Cheryl!
I love skirts!!!!! I need to make some for the winter. Would you recommend using this pattern with winter typed fabrics?
Hey Michelle! Oh yes, indeed! This skirt is perfect for winter fabrics. I think I want one in corduroy.
Oh Anita, I really adore this skirt! I just purchased some faux suede to make a skirt for the fall. I’m tring to get back in the swing of things its just taking some time, but Lord willing I will get there. Im doing well otherwise.
Hi Gwendolyn! Oh sister, you KNOW I totally understand. Take all the time you need. It’s a process. Glad to hear you’re doing well.
?Hi Anita.
Skirts! Yes, yes and yes! I love skirts and this one is a ?. I can’t wait. The only problem I have is I want what I sew to look just like yours (well your skills r a whollllle lot better than mine) but I can’t ever find the same fabric. So excited! Thank you.
Hey Peggy! Yaaay! Team skirts!!! Your skills will improve as you continue sewing. Work with what you have and let patience be your friend.
You are so dang cute and so is that skirt!
Awww, thank you Cee!
I’m new to your website and LOVE what I see. You’re a beautiful woman and I’m hoping to look as cute as you when I make my skirt. I’ve feel back in love with sewing after being away from it for years, but reading your bio has inspired me to “get the machine out and start sewing again. I’m very rusty when it comes to all those buttons. Can this skirt be made without buttons, with a solid front? THANKS for the motivation.
I have made many skirts but have never ventured beyond 2 seams and an elastic waistband. I love, love, love this skirt but fear the pleats. I’m hoping for one of your fantastic step by step videos for this skirt as I don’t think I could manage it on my own. You are such a gifted seamstress and teacher because your videos cover everything we need to be successful. Thank you for sharing you passion and talent with us. I always look forward to Wednesdays.
Oh Marilyn! Thank you so much for your support of my content. Stay tuned sister! We’re gonna get you past the two seams and elastic.
Hello Again always nice waking up to an email from you, because I know it’s going to be something good. You look elegant as usual, now i must say I love your skirt. Its very well made, I also loves skirt in solid or prints and i can’t wait for you to get started on those lol, Thank you for your inspiration
Thank you so much for joining the conversation, Misty!
Yep, Darlene! I can whip something up in no time. But I need to be ready at all times.
I love the skirt on you. You are beautiful. I am short and wide 🙂
Thank you Delma!
You look SO pretty , Anita!
Thank you Dara!
I love skirts as well and need more of them in my wardrobe. I too find myself going to the closet and saying I don’t have anything to wear. I prefer bold prints.
Thank you for joining the conversation, Sabrina!
Yes! I would love to follow along with you making skirts. I am crazy about mixing an matching. This skirt is absolutely beautiful. Even though I have never sewn Buttons, I would try something like this if you ever taught it. I want to add that I love my new serger (which had been in the box until you brought yours out. It’s a baby lock acclaim). I’m hoping for more serger lessons if you can squeeze them in. But thanks for seeking our comments! You’re a stellar teacher.
Hey Dolores! Thank you for joining the conversation. Buttons are coming. Also, more serger tutorials are on the way.
I love that skirt! Skirts are my favorite thing to sew at the moment. Now that I just found out that that there will be a 70% off patterns at Joann’s I will have to pick up that pattern. I am actually trying to “schedule” my sewing times into my weekly schedule so that I’m not spending a whole weekend on projects and away from my family. It is my goal to have my wardrobe replaced in my closet with all me-made items.
So Ms. Anita, I have a question for you….when you make something and someone compliments it, do you let them know that you made it? If so, how do you say that you made it? Or do you take the compliment and let it gratify you knowing that you created it? I feel awkward telling people I made something, but at the same time, I’m proud that I made it and I want to share. Just wondering how other sewists handle this.
Hi Oneika, I usually purchase the patterns from Joann when they cost $1.99. I joined the mailing list so I see what patterns are on sale then purchase them.
Hi Oneika! I love your plan to schedule your sewing time so that you’re not taking too much time from your family. Very wise.
I usually just say, “thank you,” but I have said, “I made it a few times.” If they ask where I purchased it from, then I tell them I made it.
I love the skirt I have the pattern and wasn’t sure if how it would turn out but after seeing yours it awesome will be making a few for my closet.
I love both solids and prints I really enjoy seeing your finish makes.
thank you for sharing
Charla, you’re gonna love this skirt. It’s an easy sew.
On my your sewing and style is beautiful. I’m working on getting there. Thank you for sharing all of your blogs, also the babylock soprano how to’s. I like the prints for Mc calls 7906 .Thank you for inspiring me and others. See you on your blogs
Hey Barbara! Thank you so much for responding. I’m so glad you’re enjoying the blog and videos.
You are such a beautiful women inside and out. Your sewing talents are incredible!! I totally get where you are coming from. A girl can never have enough skirts. I’m a seamstress at home and the problem I have is that I never have time to sew myself, because business keeps coming in. I know that’s a good thing, but I need to make time for me. I have a summer stash that’s almost completed and a fall/winter stash that I need to hit. Sometimes I wish I could just buy one garment to sew at a time. This way I’m not so stressed, but the sales you can’t pass up. I have a lot of skirts and dresses as well, but I look at it as those are my clothes for church or going out with my friends for a luncheon. So glad I found you I love to learn more from you on sewing techniques and then use them in the sewing room. Thank you 🙂
Hi Barbara! Thank you for joining the conversation. A word of encouragement on the sales. PASS them up! The same sales come around over and over again. Once I got off that hamster wheel, I realized just how often the sales repeat.
I totally understand feeling stressed about having all the projects to do. We do it to ourselves and it doesn’t have to be that way.
Yes. I love skirts, and you can’t have too many. I think separates give you more options in your wardrobe. The skirt is really cute and versatile. You always style your garments great!
Thank you Kaija! I agree. Can’t have too many.
Another beautiful skirt and your vision for styling blows me away. I need to work on that.
I love skirts and dresses. I have more go-to bottom separates than tops. I am a novice and find tops/blouses challenging, but skirts are fun and motivating to make!
I’m working up to a year with no pants! lol. Meaning, only skirts or dresses for 365 days….but not there yet.
Love your blog and vids. Keep them coming!
Thank you.
Brenda, I think we have the same closet. Hahaha!!! I need tops and pants too! Whew! We’ll get there.
Anita, yes I am definitely in need of “skirts”. When I see you wear what “you’ve” made, it’s hard not to want to make it for yourself. SMILE!!
I love solids and prints. I make the decision to wear them depending on the atmosphere to which I’m attending.
Love the clothes you make!
Thank you Devoria!
Nicely Done! I love skirts but have a challenge with the alteration .
Thank you Dee. You should check out BluPrint to learn how to alter your patterns. Here’s a link:
Hi Anita and yes I do need skirts. I am a church girl and a stay at home mom who just started her own travel business, so I need casual, business and dressy! I go to church services, church meetings, PTA meetings, field trips, travel conferences, business meetings, etc. Separates are definitely right up my alley. Thanks for all you do!
Ooooh, yes, Shavonne! You need lots of skirts.
PLEASE DO!!!! MORE SKIRTS! YES!! I work in a religious setting and all of the store-bought skirts tend to leave me with too little room to do my job well and still be graceful as I move about, so I need to learn how to make my own skirts.
Yes, Fran! I hear you. Stay tuned!
Good morning Anita,
Oh no Anita, you must have been at my (sewing) house. Lol. I only wear skirts & dresses so this is right up my alley. Count me in. That skirt is really cute. Thanks for sharing.
Ros, you made me laugh! Hahaha!!! Yaaay! We’re gonna have some fun!